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Author/Journalist Buzz Bissinger: Media Colleagues Outraged That I’ll Vote Romney, MSM is in the t

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posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 03:45 PM

While Bissinger was invited on Kurtz’s Sunday Reliable Sources program to discuss the aftermath of his endorsement of Romney on Twitter, the discussion quickly turned to the subject of media. The veteran sports writer took to the topic with ease, clearly discomfiting his host.

“Among friends it [the reaction] wasn’t as vitriolic but there was this sense of ‘How dare you! You’re a traitor! I mean you’re a writer, you’re a journalist, how can you possibly come out in favor of this man?’” Bissinger said. “You are simply not expected when you are a journalist and a writer to endorse a Republican.”

Of course, journalists who claim to be objective are not supposed to endorse anyone but that hasn’t stopped many of them from flocking to work for President Obama. By our count, there have been over a dozen, including high-profile ones like Linda Douglass of ABC News who left the network to sell Obamacare to Americans, Carole Simpson of ABC News who endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2007, or CNN’s Sanjay Gupta who auditioned to be President Obama’s Surgeon General. (For a full list, please see our “Revolving Door” topic.) No similar exodus of journalists has ever been observed toward Republican presidents.

The extraordinarily negative reaction from his media industry colleagues also proved for the Friday Night Lights author that journalists are not really able to set aside their own opinions in their news coverage. The “life-long Democrat” Bissinger even admitted that he himself had not always been able to do so.

“There is no doubt in my mind that there is a definite liberal bias in the mainstream media,” He asserted. “I mean look at the New York Times, you look at their editorial today on Afghanistan, you would feel it was the Republicans’ fault that we’re still there but that’s Obama’s decision. It does seep in and I know because as a journalist, it seeped in what I wrote for the Philadelphia Inquirer.”

This guy does a great job of pointing out the inconsistency and clear bias of our press. Of course Howard Kurtz plays defense.

BISSINGER: Well, I mean what it says to me is that there is no doubt in my mind that there is a definite liberal bias in the mainstream media. I mean you take out Fox and you take out MSNBC which have staked out the right and the left, there is a liberal bias. You are simply not expected when you are a journalist and a writer to endorse a Republican. And don’t tell me it does not seep into the coverage.

I mean look at the New York Times, you look at their editorial today on Afghanistan, you would feel it was the Republicans’ fault that we’re still there but that’s Obama’s decision. It does seep in and I know because as a journalist, it seeped in what I wrote for the Philadelphia Inquirer. It wasn’t—

KURTZ: But there I think you’re being a little unfair or at least painting with too broad a brush, Buzz because you said ‘When I was a reporter, my own personal opinions seeped in’ and you’re making the automatic assumption that this is true for everybody. And there are a lot of journalists who cover politics, I mean I can toss off a lot of names—Wolf Blitzer, Dan Balz from the Washington Post, Candy Crowley, Chuck Todd—I don’t know what they think about politics. I think they’re fair to both sides, whatever their personal views. It seems to me that you just decided that everybody tilts to the left and that it shows in their work.

BISSINGER: Listen, I tend to paint with a broad brush, I know that. But look at the coverage of the drone attacks by Obama. I guarantee you, whoever it is, if it was a Republican president doing it, reporters would be all over that story. As it is, there was a public ombudsman column in New York Times. It's not being covered. David Rhodes, who was kidnapped by the Taliban, who now comments for Reuters, has said the same thing.

And I love this part:

KURTZ: You say of liberals, you say of liberals that 90 percent are every bit as nasty and vitriolic as the conservatives that they rightly condemn for being nasty and vitriolic. So it sounds like you’ve been surprised at the intensity of the heat that you've gotten from people, journalists and others, on the left side of the spectrum.

BISSINGER: I have, and I stick to that statement. Liberals have this sense of themselves, but 90 percent are as nasty, as vitriolic, as vicious as the conservatives they say are. They are vicious, nasty people are saying ‘I’m not going to read your books.’ They say ‘go f yourself.’ ‘You’re a baby killer.’ ‘You’re a traitor,’ ‘you are a scum,’ I mean, on and on and on.

So basically, the man decided he's going to vote Romney and has become an outcast in his previous journalist circles. It's just another piece of a growing pile of evidence our so called "main stream" media is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 04:02 PM
Just another part of the dog and pony show; more distractions to keep people believing either candidate will make any difference. "How dare you endorse Romney?" How dare anyone write such a worthless article.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by DestroyDestroyDestroy
Just another part of the dog and pony show; more distractions to keep people believing either candidate will make any difference. "How dare you endorse Romney?" How dare anyone write such a worthless article.

Yes, exposing any media other than Fox is sacrilegious!


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