posted on Oct, 18 2012 @ 06:35 AM
I know that someone with intel must know I'm a contactee. I didn't always talk about things like this, I used to get drunk and sing songs all day...
and when I stopped drinking I did other things to goof off online mostly in music forums of bands I liked talking about all sorts of stuff.... but I
always referred back to the same thing... "this topic gives me the heebie jeebies because I know they are real and I don't want to talk about it
because it will keep me awake all night... and I didn't continue talking about it because I'd start feeling like someone was in the room... and now
I recognize and have gotten very used to that feeling that someone is here in the room with me and sometimes I still get a little nerved but it's
more about my fears out of intense concern now.
I know that it wasn't a friend or coworker talking to me about these things. They would be capable of dropping the most random pieces of info about
my own life that would sometimes get recalled at the strangest moments drawing my mind back to an association and a eureka moment... having a broad
understanding of conspiracies and know things about me I had not even realized or had not yet contextualized,
Now do you think any of them have bothered to finish the story? Now that I have become completely obsessed with figuring an important part of this
out, they can't even tell me what happened. They just reopen wounds and watch them bleed.
This kinda paints the picture that the government is not the good upstanding men they often pretend to be.
In light of actual harassment from various groups and now seeing why they did the things they did, there is no going back from this... so not only do
I gain attention by some who know next to nothing about it and harassed on many levels in many ways by those scratching the surface of this... the
ones who did know more, just wanted to wake me up to certain ideas to make me more paranoid, let me know I'm being watched and clued me into to
various high tech viewing methods to get a few more missing pieces and finally make a complete headcase out of me because it is deeply effecting my
Do they care? Nah.
They felt like doing this so they did... and they have no qualms about risking putting anyone over the edge with this secrecy. Does anybody really
think the government cares about the feelings of people with the way they toy with people. It's much bigger of an issue that they deny these things
concerning what the public reaction will be because as long as they remain quiet, we know our government is telling relentless lies. If they came
clean, the yeah... we have to get used to that but at least we could feel that our government told the truth. Who gives a damn if government lies
start causing panic... oh wait, it's already happening. It's perfectly ok for us to get nutball angry about being treated like complete morons but
don't let us get worried and have to think about the stuff we constantly watch on TV and constantly already think about.
Right, because they care.
No, they don't care... It's your duty to be unhappy when it comes to important national security issues and you don't need to know.... you only
need to elaborate what YOU know, be confused, be scared, be frustrated, be sad and angry, understand we're in control and that there is nothing
you're going to be able to do about it and every day will be a reminder.
Now why aren't you licking our boots?