posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by 3chainz
Actually, there are psychological codes involved in the traffic system.
Red is the color of fire. This most likely explains why we have a instinctive reaction to it. Further, it also possibly explains why nature chose to
make many poisonous things red as well - the visual warning system already built into the brains of higher animals.
Over time, even non poisonous plants and animals adapted - theoretically so that they, too, could "cash in" on this ability to steer predators
And this is why the color red is used to make us stop. Because we have a natural inclination to see, recognize, and react to it very quickly.
Green is, in the same ways, a psychologically inviting color for humans. So it means go.
Yellow is a fairly unnatural color - one we do not have a lot of genetic programming about - so it draws our attention and forces us to inspect and
analyze. Thus it's the color of caution. The same with orange - excepting that orange combines the red and yellow reaction, thus eliciting a more
immediate and involved response.
There are some who postulate that the over use and abuse of these genetic triggers might be responsible for any number of things, from road rage, to
psychotic breaks.
It's pretty interesting stuff.