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Originally posted by ascension211
reply to post by MRuss
thank you for the post. i go to that website often, still not buying the chakra explanation though, the more i look at the more i see magnetic energy, i am surprised no one else see's that either.
1. On the microscopic level, abnormal enlargement of cell wall pits in bract tissue (a thin membrane which surrounds the seed- head and through which nutrients pass to the developing seed) were found. This examination utilizes the optical microscope and is quite time-consuming and, although useful in the early, exploratory stages of the research, was replaced when equally reliable criteria were subsequently discovered. 2a. Enlarged (both laterally and longitudinally) plant stem nodes - the fibrous "knucle-like" protuberances found spaced along the plant stem beneath the seed-head, technically called "pulvini." Although these nodes are sometimes enlarged both laterally (they are "fatter") and longitudinally (they are "stretched"), extensive laboratory work has determined that it is the node elongation (the stretching) that is a permanent effect caused by the formation energies - and so this is the parameter now used2b.
In some crop formations the energy system involved is intense enough to cause bending of this apical (top) node (although pronounced node bending is much more commonly found at the lower nodes on the plant stem). In a few cases we have found severe apical node bending in conjunction with marked stretching of the node. As the example, below, illustrates the node elongation in such cases is clearly in addition to that caused by the bending of the node tissues.
A field report form available on the ICCRA website indicates that cerealogists take a number of electro-magnetic readings at each site while also noting details about the crop and soil. While crop circles are widely believed to be man-made, there are cerealogists who maintain the formations have paranormal qualities. According to Wilson's ICCRA researcher profile, he wanted to write his master's degree thesis at Eastern Michigan University on crop circles but couldn't get any academics to sponsor it.
There are many cases that are reported and many documented cases. There have also been three studeies that were incredibly flawed and biased. I have read them myself.
Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by Chadwickus
as far as the OP is concerned, there are many documented cases of the stalks/nodes being bent not broken.
This sort of phenomenon is very upsetting to some because it is definately something that doesn't fit neatly into any of the boxes that we were given by our parents,friends,educational system, scientists, or colleagues.
You may be, but I am not.
We are kinda out on a limb with this one.
I have payed attention to all the evidence. The reality is that we don't have any evidence that suggests anything non human is creating the crop circles. We have no evidence at all that suggest anything supernatural or "alien" is creating the circles.
I mean, on one hand, IF YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THE EVIDENCE......>ALL OF THE doesn't make sense and we have no frame of reference for which to understand this. On the other hand.....THERE IT STILL IS!! It aint' goin' nowhere just cuz we deny it.
So, I am glad you brought this to our attention and would encourage others to do the same.
It is how we grow and learn.
Please do not be discouraged by others who would mock and ridicule.
Those are techniques used by the timid and fearful.
Be bold, and continue to explore.
To shut me up, simply show me a crop circle made by other sources other than MEN. Not suggest it was not made by Men. I don't need to suggest Men exist, because they do. I don't ned to suggest they make crop circles because I have evidence that they do.
Originally posted by bobs_uruncle
reply to post by MRuss
Looks like it is showing a pair of "atoms" with non-metal covalent electron bonds. At least that's what it looks like when you examine the upper and lower arcs adjoining the separated "discs" in the image. Now, what non-metalic material would share those two electrons in the image's configuration?
ETA: Just as an aside, the image looks like it represents possibly 2 proton/neutron combinations with 3 electrons, one of which is covalent. Maybe it's a H2 with one additional covalent electron. Can't be water, the image would need 8 electrons.
Cheers - Daveedit on 10/15.2012 by bobs_uruncle because: the ETA
Originally posted by ascension211
reply to post by MamaJ
Sorry, the Chakras are not spaced that way and they are more even in size, the shapes may be slightly different and are not all circular, but this could signal the change in the magnetic poles.
Your argument is a strawman.
Originally posted by Cedik
What you dont have is evidence that all crop circles are made by men. Indeed much of the evidence points towards it being unlikely that men created the 'real' ones.