posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 10:02 AM
I also want to add this:
It surprises me that so many people will do nothing else but search pictures of sky photos and scan for UFO's. I don't understand this. Here is why.
Are you doing this because your not convinced they exist or because you are convinced. If it's the prior you needn't look any further than Buzz
Aldrin "Obelisk on Phobos" or Edger Mitchell "many races of aliens". That should be enough right there for you. THese guys are astronauts with a
lengthy resume and well aware of government secret status yet they still disclose small kernels of information. Notice how neither gave a direct
account of their experience because it would violate their secrecy agreement but it is ok to share he said/she said. But again look at the sources, if
these guys are trusted by our government to use such sophisticated technology since the 60's and they are coming out saying we need an investigating,
then well, we need an investigation.
If you are already convinced then why go through all the trouble and stress trying to pull a needle from a haystack? Are you just looking to prove the
government wrong or do you believe everything the government says. Case in point: Saddam had nuclear weapons - false; The death of our ambassador in
Lybia happened from a protest of a retarded video.....yup, that's a big no; I can go on and on about how the government gets it wrong, so why do you
care that they don't acknowledge the existence of UFO's? Most of them are idiots anyway and don't believe they are real and the ones that know are
not in the public arena, they sit in dark recesses of political life. In fact, if the government actually went out and said aliens are real is when I
would become a complete sceptic. The fact that they deny their existence only provides further proof they are real. The government knows and are lying
is very likely, the government simply doesn't know also a slight possibility but the government knows they don't exist and is being truthful
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA show me one context of our government being truthful about anything.