posted on Apr, 30 2003 @ 06:38 AM
well it seems quite worrying on face
""runs counter to current administration priorities ... [and] does not reflect the priorities, philosophies or goals of the present
OF THE PRESENT ADMINISTRATION is most particulary worrisome. Sure the administration is there to facilitate the continuing philosophies and
proirities of society not itself. Makes it sound dictatorial.
"1) We also have more cctv cameras here in public places than any other country in the World.
Finally how about this for a picture that started appearing on London bus stops just before Christmas:"
1) It makes me safer, cuts crime and like you say its a public place, its not as if people can`t see you anyway.(nationstates)
2) Again, traveling in London is n`t always safe so I`ve no problem with it and if it deters those who would otherwise mug, murder, rape then great.
DSS is hardly that. National Health you`ve got it right but the Ministry of defence, should n`t that read Ministry of the army of the fifty first