posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 02:01 PM
Why do they always assume the public can't handle the truth?
Note how Kittinger fumbled when he got to checkpoint number 11 about the faceplate. They'd been having problems with it, then just before the jump it
was announced as fixed. Kittinger then got to the heater in the checklist and said: "Next check if the faceplate heater is up to full power and the
chest display is lit. I know we would've done that if..."
And then the audio was cut away, Kittinger looks up to someone instructing him and then the audio comes back on again.
"I'm sorry, check if the faceplate heater is up to full power and the chest display is lit." Seemingly without even looking Felix confirms and
jumps only to have his faceplate fog up causing him to open the chute early and failing to break the record for longest free fall.
Obviously the heater was never fixed. Why pretend that it was? Did they really think they would get away with it if the malfunctioning heater had let
to more serious problems by pretending they thought it was fixed?