posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 03:31 PM
Although I may be a newbie on here I did spend a good few years as a lurker on ATS before joining up. In the time before the internet I used to read
books and magazines on various topics that have been discussed on ATS down the years. My main favourite being space travel and the historical UFO
cases. Although it's always interesting to dabble elsewhere.
Of course the problem with the "historical" threads is that people rarely post in them any more and there is little interaction (with a few
exceptions). Unless of course there is some breaking news about it. Maybe that has become an issue with ATS as people fear opening a new debate when
they will simply be referred to an 8 year old post. It's a fine balancing act to be honest.
I did get a bit bored myself earlier this year and decided to take the plunge and join up as a member. I thought I can either remain passive and moan
about the lack of content or do something about it.
I am not or a trained writer but possess a reasonable grasp of the English language. So inspired by some classic ATS posts of the past I have made a
few posts of my own. It's not easy as you have to do a fair amount of research, and take your time. You also have to be willing to accept that people
will disagree with you (which is actually a good thing because it stimulates debate).
So all I can say is that if people feel the content on ATS is wearing a bit thin then it is up to all of us to think, research and post new ideas to
stimulate debate.