posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 10:30 PM
That is rather intriguing, I have a similar experience, I often have vivid dreams of being a male soldier who was killed in the Vietnam war.
I even know specific details, such as being born and raised in Kansas, having a blonde haired sister named Samantha, and my (past life name) is on a
memorial granite slab in a city in California where I was living before being deployed. I was killed by a shot gun wound in the back of the head.
I know this may seem far-fetched but these are real past lives, what is important is to not let these memories become to apparent in the life your
living now, by all means reflect on your past lives but don’t get all wrapped up in them. The person you are right now is the most important aspect
to remember. That person from your past has traits that carry through to this life but remember the person you are right now should not be held back
by your past life, no matter how traumatic.