Thanks for the replies. I welcome negative responses, even those with deliberate intentional insults and putting one down, espacially when they are
either born out of bigotry, or more frightening - ignorances.
1. With the situation in Syria, it is not a sectarian conflict that the Free world including arab states are supporting, nor are the rebels waging a
sectarian war as Iran, Russia and their dogs are propagandazing.
It is just simply a People seeking for justice, regardless of their differences, with the HumanSlayer Assad.
To remain in topic, as this is about Muslim Brotherhood and in relation to the currently elected Egypt head of state - President Mursi, he had called
for the end of atrocities in Syria for ALL humans there, and NOT just the end of atrocities upon the majority Sunni People, same with all concerned
fellow humans in our world.
It is just pure speculation on your part, if not wilful smear upon the Egyptian president, to support your hatred of the Muslim Brotherhood. Show
proof on WHERE he had claimed to support only the sunni muslims and not all syrians, or you had just been found out to be spreading your hate
propaganda here.
Sunni or all, what is most critical is for the Syrian bloodshed to end, which ALL free world nations are calling, joining up and supporting for.
Anything else can be sorted out later when peace or at least the rule of law is enforced in Syria.
So leave your Muslim Brotherhood PREJUDICES at the door, and enter into the priority to help end the bloodshed in Syria, which all are doing except
Putin and the Iranian leaders whom supports that humanslayer to continue its rain of death upon innocents daily for close to 2 years already.
2. What exactly is 'Sharia law' that cowardly bigots had been lying about all along for decades? I will be brief and simple.
Sharia law are basically the moral and ethical guidelines laid down in the Koran and Sunnah as revealed to the Divine Teacher Prophet Muhammad for his
once barbaric pagan people/society to be civilised, progress and evolve.
Many of those guidelines are the SAME as what is taught in the Old and New Testaments. If you condemn those guidelines in the Koran, you are
condemning equally the Testaments.
Today, instead of Sharia or Biblical laws, we in the west followed mainly the English Common Law and its legal processess. The English Common Law are
basically guidelines taken from the Testaments, and eventually progressed and evolved over time, to keep with society's growth in social, political
and economic terms.
Some fundamentalists from Judaism, Islam and Christianity would claim that evolution which caused those guidelines to change is totally changing the
very basic original codes.
However, nothing is further from the truth.
Evolution only change the WAY the original codes were presented, and DID NOT change its essence. Some new terms and requirements were even added to
ensure the essence of the code is further protected and enhanced.
For example:- gambling is strictly forbidden in ALL human moral guidelines.
Investment is a modern concept, and in bare truth, is nothing more than gambling, for there is no such thing as perfect investments. It is made legal
because capital is needed for a company and a nation's economy to grow while regulating excesses. Man are no longer sheep or agriculture farmers of
the past anymore.
Without it and return on investments, there will be no earnings, and with abortions considered a sin, the growing population will be mired in poverty
while the land is briming with resources - above and under the ground untapped due to lack of capital.
For the western world to return towards Sharia or Judiac laws, it would only mean regression, as the western world had evolved far and had provided
much for its population and economy. It is not perfect, but there is still a system rule of law to ensure the very basic tenets of moral and ethical
guidelines are still followed.
For the muslim world, they are a Society - in - progress. Far too many of them lack the opportunities in education that the free world has, and those
who have such opportunities often misused it to control and keep the population in regression. Knowledge is...power, which can be either responsibly
used or irresponsibly misused.
The Arab Spring is an awakening of the People - being far more educated than their parents were, and it is through them that Sharia laws in muslim
state will eventually evolve and have to evolve to keep up with the growing needs, countering harmful concepts, and advancement in science and tech,
no matter who is incharge of the nation, for democracy is won, and those leaders who fail will be booted out.
The Arab states legal system will not evolve overnight. It will take time. And with wider participation in honest debate within democracy to freely
speak up, be patient, and you will see its progress, as seen daily. Even a rough edged river stone will become smooth over time
edit on 10-10-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)