Sorry about the Face book page link sure one for the movie can be found some place else on the web but was the one that I found when working on my
group page.
Hi John,
It’s good to see someone on here interested in learning and bring forth information to show their stance for this I have to thank you, and star of
Now for the fun part yes lets say your quoted post is correct, “all Rebels and Insurgents” the problem is the lawful definition of those as we
have all been taught the south was the Rebels, but have you ever looked it up?
Rebels. A term loosely but incorrectly applied to the Confederate Forces engaged in Civil war. 30 AM J Rev ed Insurr 2
The crime referenced is rebellion, hence is treason. Treason can be found mentioned in the body of the Constitution under Article 3 Section 3 it is
defined as follows:
Treason. This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance. The constitution of the United States, art.3 sec3, defines treason
against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is
punished with death.
To further expand, insurgent and rebel are defined by Noah Webster 1828 as follow:
Insurgent. A person who rises in opposition to civil or political authority; one who openly and actively resists the execution of laws. (see
An insurgent differs from a rebel. The insurgent opposes the execution of a particular law or laws; a rebel attempts to overthrow or change
government. Or he revolts and attempts to place his country under another authority. All rebels are insurgents, but all insurgents are not
Country. Is the state in which one was born. The USA or any form there of is NOT a country nor ever was, since each state making up the Union is its
own country/nation by law, there was no breach of allegiance, so no crime committed. By voting, you are committing a crime the crime is treason
because you are throwing off your rightful dejure country and giving its power over to another.
To continue:
Insurrection. A rebellion of citizens of subjects of a country against its government. (see also belligerent)
To Reiterate:
Treason imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance: and, Insurrection is a rebellion of citizens or subjects of a country against its
government with purpose of turning their country over to another authority. Defacto
Much more to read and understand at that and also this link:
Added note: Admiralty law is law of the sea only not the freeman on the land bs, our courts do NOT operate under Admiralty or Maritime law on a
regular basis.
edit on 10-10-2012 by drmeola because: (no reason given)