posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:24 PM
I hate the term "prepper". It is begining to have a connectation that you are obsesed, or introverted, or otherwise not all together. Its prudent to
be "minimally" prepared. Even a couple of days of water, food, and a firearm to protect personal property is a good idea.
The boy scout motto is "be prepared".
First, I always tried to get to know someone pretty well in an accquaintance or friendship way before I started dating them. You should know if they
have any major reservations about that before you begin any serious dating.
I would casually approach the subject. "Hey, what would you do in a major disaster?"...."Or, you know the economic situation really has me concerned,
what do you think?". "Wow, what would you do if something like Katrina hit"? You can get an idea where they stand with simple conversation. You may
not even get to any "prepper" stuff when you realize they don't have a clue and don't care too.
As far as the post just above mine, I'd agree. Don't get weird (unless you find that lucky girl just as weird as you) and say it's for zombie
apocalypse, alien invasion, NWO/UN take over. You might genuinely think that....but I don't think you have to let them know THAT....that sounds weird,
even to me sometimes, and I like to consider all possibilities.
Incidently, I would say I am only moderately prepared at best.
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