Disclaimer: I will try to make this post to the best of my ability but I have been told I have a problem with making too many
[color=grey]Hello all, I am a youth living in Ontario, Canada. I decided to make an account because some weird things in my personal life have been
happening and I wanted to ask this forums opinion about it. As this is an introduction section I obviously can't talk about that here but once I get
20 posts I will be sure to elaborate.
Now to start off: A couple years ago I was really into conspiracy theories, I was also a lot younger so they really terrified me, needless to say
I lost a lot of sleep. I eventually dismissed them as fiction and continued to live my life. I also watched a
Penn and Teller: Bull# on
conspiracy theories [specifically the moon and what really goes on at Area 51 (I believe, its been awhile)] and it made me dismiss all conspiracy
theories. While I still can't find myself to believe in some, like the reptile one, others are starting to make me think and reconsider.
[color=grey]I was raised in a Christian family — my family has had its fair share of not-so-happy tales along with very strange people, for
example I have had a family member cut off ties with everyone and join a cult. My mom wouldn't tell me the whole story but she said it was satanic
(though it could be something more specific — she would classify almost anything not Christian as satanic. I don't know if it was a white type thing
but my mother made it seem really dark and bad). This family member died not too long after breaking ties with the family, my mother never told me why
or how the death happened so it still remains untold (to me at-least). She also had a daughter who now lives with other family members, I've never met
[color=grey]My mom told me that some people in her side of the family are sensitive to "paranormal things". Now, I don't even really have a
decided opinion on all this
paranormal type stuff so it could all be a coincidence but I might as well share what has been told to me. My mom
and my sister have had street lights turn off right when they drive past one (only one light) or when they walk under one. My mom says she can use
this weird
prong type thing to find water. Also when my mom was a child her friends convinced her to use a ouija board and her friends got
angry because nothing happened but my mother told me that a voice was talking to her in her head and answering all her questions (like having a
conversation). My mom got so scared she ran home and cried and told her mom what she did and of course they freaked out saying it was stuff of the
devil. My mom did once tell me that what was talking to her didn't say anything malicious but it still terrified her.
[color=grey]I am hoping to be able to gain more enrichment in this community! Just by lurking I have already gotten the opportunity to read about
new things. I am eagerly awaiting the 20 post park so I can make threads of my own
edit on 6-10-2012 by vendettent because: (no reason given)