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Scientific Proof of a Potential Alternative Energy Source Dates Back 25,000 Years

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posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Bedlam
The emission of a 28kHz radio signal 13 feet across - that ought to warn you right there.

Who knows why? Class? Raise your hand if you know the answer.

364khz...hmmm...drop the 'Khz' and you have a number pretty close to a Solar year.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by MysterX

How BIG is a 28kHz radio wave? How small can it be? Is 13 feet a reasonable approximation by several orders of magnitude?

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Bedlam
The emission of a 28kHz radio signal 13 feet across - that ought to warn you right there.

Who knows why? Class? Raise your hand if you know the answer.
I typed 28 in the input box here and then selected kHz:

So that's a hint, but some people might not know what 3.5e+4 feet means in the output box.

This has a more readable output but feet isn't an option, meters would be the closest choice:

Those might be off by about 1% in the atmosphere since it isn't a vacuum, but it's close enough to make the point.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

And it's Arbitrageur by a nose!

Yep, you can't HAVE a 13-foot-across 28kHz radio wave.

They don't come that size.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver

Originally posted by butcherguy

The Bosnian pyramid has been debunked enough times on ATS.

And since when is ATS the know all say all to topics such as this?? It's NOT! Just because ATS deems it fake doesn't mean it is. There are a few things "debunked" on here that are actually pretty darn real yet because ATS says it's fake people take that as fact. Those are the same people who cry and want people with fancy titles as a source yet take random people on ATS as the know all say all to certain topics. Learn to think for yourself.

You should do some of your own research on the subject without believing everything people on here say as the final word.

OP found this thread looking for articles on Earth's energy grid.... I have read quite a bit about pyramids and their placement. I do think they were some kind of energy source esp the Great Pyramid. If one looks at it from a technical point and not an archaeological point (tomb) it is pretty amazing how things fit with it being some kind of structure to harness energy. I find this topic very fascinating. I just got the book "Grid of the Gods" and plan on making a thread after explaining the grid and the energy. So many people dismiss it but just with a few basic searches it will make you wonder!! At least it made me wonder!

For #s sake... sometimes you straw grabbers just end up making massive asshat fools of yourselves.

Like previously mentioned..... It was debunked by the Bosnians themselves. They admitted the whole thing was a hoax based on monetary gain. Wake the # up and stop chasing a meaning of your life, and make it mean something yourself.

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