posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 02:39 AM
This is most likely nothing, but my mom (who is not into conspiracy related material whatsoever) tonight randomly asked me to look into this recent
news story as she thought it was suspicious. She knows I am a researcher and investigator of sorts, so she sought my help in finding a little more
info and in turn I'm posting it here to see if anyone here has any thoughts.
Nothing out of the ordinary on the surface, and I'm still doing some digging around, but basically I've learned to trust my gut when following certain
investigations and I thought it odd my mom asked me about this. As I said, this is most likely nothing, but I do find it strange that multiple
airlines were grounded due to "loose seats" supposedly due to a certain mechanism called a seat lock plunger that isn't functioning properly or hasn't
been installed properly.
It seems that these planes had recently had maintenance performed, so it would seem everything would be up to code on these flights. Then again,
having undergone recent maintenance, maybe someone wasn't doing their job very well that day and screwed up.
I find it to be quite the coincidence, however. Firstly, they seem to have received maintenance at different places. So what are the chances of them
all having the same problem? Secondly, at first it was only a few flights, but on Friday they said that 44 planes would be grounded to fix the
problem. This seems to lower the chances of it being a mishap.
I suppose it could be a long-overdue problem that finally came to fruition this week.. but again, what are the chances of all of their seats coming
loose within a couple days of each other?
Is this a cover story of some sort? I cannot really theorize due to lack of information, but does anyone else find this fishy?
(visit the link for the full news article)