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"Knockout King": new savage "game" becoming more popular among urban youth.

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posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

I would love the opportunity to beat the living sh*t out of that young black kid....I would beat his ass into a bloody pulp...Punk kids like that deserve NOTHING......

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100

As the age of humanity winds down, the harvest of righteous souls from this Earth is clearly and demonstrably in the gleanings stage of harvest. As the Earth is God's field, once the gleanings are picked it is decreed that the field will be plowed under. The kings of the east are rising to do this very job, yet, the western lands seem determined to withhold the Word of God from it's very own children, thereby producing only a crop of thistles and thorns destined to take us to the swift approaching Armegeddon.

What he is trying to say here is...

If thou attackest me or me lady I shall pullest my holy 380 hollow point Bodyguard and fire hell and damnation a pond thee.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by RothchildRancor
reply to post by Nedusa

A .38 will put a hole in someone's head, but it won't blow it off.

I suggest you upgrade to The Judge by Taurus.

Five round .45 caliber revolver that can also shoot .410 rounds.

That'll make someone's head into some Fancy Feast.

That thing has a lot of weight to carry around ALL the time, and I wouldn't know where to put it other than a large under the arm holster.... Nice gun though..real nasty looking too, but God it is big of you carry concealed. I carry in my ass crack
a 380 (7shot) with hollow points that will stop anyone that is not wearing body armor.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 11:51 AM
Boy there are a lot of internet tough guys all of a sudden.

Ah well.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
Boy there are a lot of internet tough guys all of a sudden.

Ah well.

There IS a way to solve that little problem.. Internet Rambo types... At least it may fix a good many of them. I'll bet the punk kids in the story could benefit too....

There is a video series called 'Faces of Death'. I watched a couple wayy back in 1995 when TV's were black and white and dinosuars still roamed the Earth. I'd just intended to get a sense of what traffic fatalities really were before starting trucking.

I'll tell ya though...If half these guys talking like experts about what this caliber or that caliber does or would do.....actually SAW a few dozen shooting scenes with real, not Hollywood victims...and then the Autopsies those videos show. Now that is unforgettable by any measure. Talk about what makes ya tick....Anyway, I'm willing to bet the Rambo talk would be very subdued afterward.

When Little Rambo gets done throwing can ask them if they still think shooting someone sounds cool or is something to talk excitedly about.

Hell, I carry and may have to shoot someone, someday. No one who carries isn't aware of that....but damn, it's not something positive.. It'll be the worst day of my life, bar matter WHAT the circumstances or how justified it may be.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
Boy there are a lot of internet tough guys all of a sudden.

Ah well.

Not sure which side you're on... I don't claim to be some bad ass, but I would have zero problem working over those punk kids who cold cocked that poor old man.... People like that deserve to be put down like rabid dogs...They offer nothing to the world today, just punk ass criminals, who I HOPE, walk up on the wrong guy who shoots and kills them...

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Advantage

Originally posted by superman2012
reply to post by chrismarco

Yes! That bothered me too. Was the bus empty? Or were the other patrons cowards as well? Why not check on an older man that was ruthlessly sucker punched?...unless they jumped off the bus to chase these little cowards down.

Sweetie.. around here you cant hit a "youth"... juvenile. Youll get sued by the crappy parents, charged, and called a racist.
here, 9 times out of 10 they "release the juvenile to into the custody of the parent(s)". I ran the crime stoppers out here and work with youth on and off currently. Its a lot worse than you think or youre being told or the news is reporting.

Yet another reason we should all carry loaded weapons.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by superman2012

Originally posted by otie1
I love how everyone thinks this is a new thing.
I did this back in elementary school with my buds.
This is nothing new, just getting more and more popular.

New to me. I never hung out with a pack of cowards before. I wonder how many other people will admit to it?

Agreed . I was raised to respect my elders , to be kind and have manners .

we would have never dreamed of doing this type of things when we were young . Was I am angel ? No , when I was in my late teens we got into our fair share of trouble , but we did hurt others or destroy private property .

Even if I did do it in my youth , I would be absolutely ashamed of myself and would never admit to it as it takes someone screwed up in the head to do these things .

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

I'm on the side of reason.

And while a firearm may help, I'm sure it wouldn't be any real deterrent to a group of ten people.

Especially if they carried firearms too.

But if I were in that kind of an area, I would wear a bullet resistant vest or something, carry mace, and anything I could think of.

It would be like that scene in the Road Warrior 3 where they ask him to leave any weapons he has on the table. He ends up leaving almost twenty different weapons.

But i'm not stupid. I know those weapons aren't a real deterrent against people who intend to do you harm, especially in a large group.

And I wouldn't brag or boast about it either. Because if you claim you're a tough guy, people are going to see how tough you are, just for the lolz.

keeping yourself low key will do wonders.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

I don't believe 'keeping yourself low key' will help. They are targeting elderly people. People who can't defend themselves, it's not like they're approaching "tough guys" or guys who will put up a fight, they are purposely attacking those who won't fight back... Total cowards if you ask me and a gun against 10 would be nice, because if I'm going down, I'm taking a few with me...

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
But if I were in that kind of an area, I would wear a bullet resistant vest or something, carry mace, and anything I could think of.

Anything you can think not living there... hehe

I carry not because I'm worried I'm going to run into a gang of gun toting thugs I carry to give me the advantage when running is not going to do it. It may never come down to that in my life, but this just happens to be something that if it did happened you are really up #s creek without a paddle...I just want a paddle. This is from a guy who is 6'5" and 275 lbs with 28 years of military training. Any situation I get into I don't want it to be "fair" in anyway...

BTW if a kid sucker punched me I would not pull my if 5 were coming at me to do me serious harm you bet I would and after the first one went down the others might think twice about continuing.

edit on 6-10-2012 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

If a kid sucker punched me I would sue the parents arse off any way I can.

But that's just me.

I prefer to use the law first, despite the things I may feel.

And hopefully it would be caught on tape, because tape is evidence usable in a court of law.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Chi-and-Me
reply to post by Advantage

I'm sorry for what happened to you. But if one of us tough guys came to help you, would that be bad?

I have been attacked by 4 people at once. And I've been hit in the head with a bottle while riding my bike. In both of these cases my only crime was being white. Because of these incedents I DID train for such a thing. If you think it's impossible to be victorious when out are simply wrong.

I was assaulted and robbed in 1975 while minding my own business fishing. I took karate until I figured out it was more sport than self defese, then found Krav Maga, a true dirty-fighting self defense. I have my CCl as well.
At 52 I'm in the best shape of my life. I've done "unlimited" any-style allowed fighting, and had a rib cracked doing it, and black eyes as well. I can take apunch. If you've never taken ahardpuch and kept fighting, I encourage you to try it. It taught me alot.

They might attack me. But I'll pick one, and take him out. The rest might get me in a rush, but not before there is one less of them.
edit on 6-10-2012 by davjan4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by otie1

It will end when they start getting shot dead trying to bum rush the wrong person.

I do believe that word of some old man pulling a gun out and shooting an attacker who only wanted to beat him up for fun would get around. If I lived in a neighborhood with kids like this I would never walk alone unarmed. Get a concealed carry and make it legal.

If a kid wants to commit suicide for fun let them.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Advantage
The news refuses to report it.. thats the interesting thing.

perhaps if they show how easy it is to flash mob these days, it would only encourage people to band together for a myriad of needs, if any shall come.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:22 PM
OMG, I read this title a few days ago and dismissed it because I thought it was some new xbox gangster take over the city type game. I had no idea until now that it is for REAL!!!! I feel a bit sick now!
What the hell is wrong with people/kids these days? I think the laws need to be changed so that if you are attacked you wont get done for defending yourself/fighting back against a minor. Assault should be assault, regardless of age, since at age 12 a kid is deemed to know the difference between right and wrong in the eyes of the law.
Still can't believe this is actually a real game!

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:26 PM
this is why I keep a pistol with me when I go around town doing chores.

I don't care how old they are, if that were to happen to me I'd start giving out headshots...

Then I'd get called racist and there would be some media campaign to demonize me and smear me like what that thug Trayvon deserved.

But I'd do it anyway...

stop whining and moaning and start giving these thugs lead poisoning, no mercy

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:38 PM
i'm kind of glad the news is not reporting it to tell you the truth.

Because of the news media there is such a paranoia over children and pedophiles/child molesters.

This would only increase the public's paranoia when we really need to calm the public down and help the people realize that while one should always be cautious, the actual number of predators is not a huge population compared to 320 million people.

When the only thing you see is the thing the media wants you to see, it's very easy to come to the conclusion that it's very widespread.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:52 PM
nope kids arent bad... PARENTS are BAD,
seems stupid i know right.... and still some wont be able to piece that together

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
reply to post by Xtrozero

If a kid sucker punched me I would sue the parents arse off any way I can.

But that's just me.

I prefer to use the law first, despite the things I may feel.

And hopefully it would be caught on tape, because tape is evidence usable in a court of law.

You do realize suing people who are poor, nets you a fat lot of nothing, right?

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