posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne
The round black things are circular magnets, you know when you put two magnets close and they attract; then flip one over and it repels? That's how
it is floating just by the force of repulsion.
If you build it per the instructions I guess how it operates would become clearer.
Normally, an electrical shaft rides on bearings instead of floating in a magnetic field which causes friction and of the coolest things
about this motor is that it spins with zero friction by floating in an opposing magnetic field instead of on bearings, then another magnetic field
(the one in hand) is introduced causing the rotation...if it was attached to bearings; then it really wouldn't be any different than any other
electric motor.
As simple this thing is, it has a whole lot going for it as far as physics and electromagnetic's are concerned.