posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Druscilla
I did not feign misunderstanding. I was making sure that you and I both understood what you were asking.
What your illustration shows is circumstances and practices that led to marriage and/or circumstances and practices that have been noted to have
happened to those who were married - for the purpose of teaching a lesson. It does not show actual marriage.
To give you an example:
I can show you a picture of a child who is cold, a picture of a ball of yarn and a needle, a picture of a child stealing a sweater from a cloths line,
and a picture of a person using a sweater as a tourniquet, but none of these pictures would accurately describe how a sweater is made.
I think what you are doing is confusing allowed and commanded; and a lesson with the action that teaches the lesson.
An example is that a teacher and a class of students watch a video of an adult reprimanding and commending students for various behavior. If you are a
teacher you may focus only on the teacher so that you can learn how to reprimand and commend students. If you are a student you will focus on what
behaviors are acceptable and what are not. You should be as the student.
My understanding of what marriage is has not changed from my original post. However, my take on the examples in the diagram, granted they seem
strange, is that God works in ways we all cannot understand. I believe that because their culture viewed marriage as a sacred bond, it was echoed in
laws in degrees that we cannot understand at first.
Consider this:
In their culture, the rape victim marrying her attacker would culturally sanctify the woman. Over time she would be able to forgive her husband and
begin to live a normal life. The alternative is that she is left to find a man who would have her after what had happened (not likely in their time
and it would probably lay heavily on their minds possibly corrupting them) or she would live a life of solitude (she would be shunned and lonely for
the rest of her life and would most likely turn away from God because of this). So you see, what seems horrifying at first glance may actually have
been for her betterment during their time(speaking of the marriage not the attack).