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Marching to the beat of the Third Party drum...

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posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 10:12 PM
It's not a secret that I'm a Libertarian. I used to be Republican but when the moral majority and Pat Robertson got involved, they pretty much went way to far right for me. Nowadays, they just seem to be coming from another planet.

My issue is this. We have been playing the two party paradigm for so long, that many people don't even realize there are many other parties. They are brain washed into believing that they have to vote for one or the other. This disturbs me. That is not the answer.

The longer these two parties are in power, the more corrupt they become and the more alike they many ways.

I have said for many years now that the only way we are going to fix things is to do a system reboot. We are going to have to completely remove all incumbents and replace them with newer and "less corrupted" third party representatives. From the House, through the Senate and all the way to the President. Anything less is just inviting cronyism and corruption to quickly slither back in.

I'm going to be taking a break from the Political boards for a while. I get too fired up and passionate. I feel like I need to open people's eyes that they are being tricked...that the "old" two party system is a trap. I'm serious here. Leading up to the 2008 election, I was so disappointed. I had been a Republican for years and I was unhappy with how Bush had served and I just didn't like McCain and I have never been a fan of the Democrats. I started doing some research and...voila...I found the Libertarians. I was quite pleased to discover they stood for just abut everything I did. Fiscal responsibility and social freedom. I had found my new party.

I strongly urge everyone reading this. Do some homework. Find the party you actually "believe in". Stop being fooled that you "have" to vote Democrat or Republican. The only way the third parties are going to move into the mainstream is if we support them. I believe wholeheartedly that the cure for our nation is letting go of the past and embracing new ideas and new parties. It's time for the Republicans and the Democrats to go the way of the Whigs.

I still believe in our great experiment...our Constitutional Republic of democratically elected representatives. I believe the system is still the best system in the world and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are the greatest living governing documents (religious documents not included) ever written. What I fear now is that corruption and cronyism have spoiled the old two parties and only new blood and new ideas are going to pull us up and out of this hole we are sinking in.

These are my opinions. I have done a lot of reading and a lot of soul searching and I AM a the bone. If you choose not to join me as a Libertarian, that is completely fine and completely your choice. But allow yourself a little some homework...learn about the "other" parties. You might find one that actually represents what you truly believe in...and not just the "lesser of two evils".

Best of luck and good wishes to all....Live Free.

edit on 10/4/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 10:27 PM
I totally agree with you, even though I originally came from the "other side" of the aisle. I have only been able to vote since the 2004 presidential election but I was watching the whole debacle in Florida in 2000. Ever since then I've just become more and more disillusioned with the whole 2 party BS. Unless either can bring a real candidate up to bat I'm probably never going to vote for either the Dems or Repubs again.

I consider myself a left-leaning centrist. I believe in fiscal responsibility and also in social liberty. I've admitted in multiple other threads that I voted for Obama and have since overcome the "hope and change" that was promised but never delivered. I will never choose the lesser of 2 evils again, I'd rather vote my conscience.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 11:02 PM
Yep. Just like your avatar, arguing on these boards with people stuck in the left/right dichotomy is like beating your head against the wall, only less productive.

I too am most closely aligned with the Libertarian point of view. Back in the 90s, I was in the Green Party in California. I've never been a registered Republican or Democrat, although my parents were diehard Democrats since 1960, when they voted for JFK.

Third party feels natural for me. I broke with my own best instincts and voted for Obama 4 years ago, and I've regretted it ever since. Never abandon your principles, not even for a moment.

I know there are more of us out there....and, let's face it, the beat of the third party drum is bangin! The drums of the dems and pubs sound like a death knell.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 11:30 PM
Those drums are very LOUD.

Vote Third Party. Period.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by thov420

I think most people fall into the "center zone". Some are center right and some are center left. Some folks are what I call "heirloom voters"...."My daddy voted Dem/Repub and that's what I'm gonna do"...and they never take the time to learn the real backbone of what the parties stands for. Top that off with the "mutation" of todays parties, they are not the parties of your "daddy".

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

I voted for Bob Barr in 2008. I never regretted it and never ever felt I threw my vote away. I'm looking forward to the upcoming third party debate. It's a shame that it's getting zero attention from the MSM...and there is prob a better chance of ice water in hell than the Dems and Repubs participating.

You are also correct, trying to get people to let go of the two party paradigm is literally smashing your head against the wall.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

The best thing we can do is pound that drum every chance we get.

Not in a rude or condescending way, but at every opportunity, we need to spell out the differences of whatever third party you are a fan of and the establishment "lesser of two evils".

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 01:27 AM
I've been trying not to annoy people too much on Facebook but I repost most libertarian party memes and pics and repost many others. So many people just blindly follow their party and never think for themselves. I too was republican and got sick of them towards the end of Bush. I think the tea party was a great start and the republicans took it over far too quickly. Republicans have alienated the libertarian party for far too long, and it's about time they receive a wake up call!

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by Jeremiah65

the problem i have with any party ,now, is the ease with which they are corrupted . if a third party was voted into a majority of congress how long would it be before the lobbyists in congress had bought them out? six months? a year? does it matter?

this entire system stinks and i want a real change for once.

Jeremiah for POTUS/Congress/Senate 2012

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 11:58 AM
Ah, the Libertarian Paradox. An ideology that, as its core principle, rejects the initiation of force against others, yet seeks to use the power of the state to dismantle the state itself. This is latent hypocrisy within the libertarian movement in general, and the Libertarian party specifically.

It's for this reason that I ended any and all political affiliations and refuse to participate in the "process". You either truly believe, as I do, that no external entity has any right of authority over you, or you don't. The Libertarian party doesn't go far enough. It can't, because it still works within a system that is necessarily coercive.

"Libertarian government" is a contradiction in terms.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah65
It's not a secret that I'm a Libertarian. I used to be Republican but when the moral majority and Pat Robertson got involved, they pretty much went way to far right for me. Nowadays, they just seem to be coming from another planet.

My issue is this. We have been playing the two party paradigm for so long, that many people don't even realize there are many other parties. They are brain washed into believing that they have to vote for one or the other. This disturbs me. That is not the answer.

The longer these two parties are in power, the more corrupt they become and the more alike they many ways.

I have said for many years now that the only way we are going to fix things is to do a system reboot. We are going to have to completely remove all incumbents and replace them with newer and "less corrupted" third party representatives. From the House, through the Senate and all the way to the President. Anything less is just inviting cronyism and corruption to quickly slither back in.

I'm going to be taking a break from the Political boards for a while. I get too fired up and passionate. I feel like I need to open people's eyes that they are being tricked...that the "old" two party system is a trap. I'm serious here. Leading up to the 2008 election, I was so disappointed. I had been a Republican for years and I was unhappy with how Bush had served and I just didn't like McCain and I have never been a fan of the Democrats. I started doing some research and...voila...I found the Libertarians. I was quite pleased to discover they stood for just abut everything I did. Fiscal responsibility and social freedom. I had found my new party.

I strongly urge everyone reading this. Do some homework. Find the party you actually "believe in". Stop being fooled that you "have" to vote Democrat or Republican. The only way the third parties are going to move into the mainstream is if we support them. I believe wholeheartedly that the cure for our nation is letting go of the past and embracing new ideas and new parties. It's time for the Republicans and the Democrats to go the way of the Whigs.

I still believe in our great experiment...our Constitutional Republic of democratically elected representatives. I believe the system is still the best system in the world and the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are the greatest living governing documents (religious documents not included) ever written. What I fear now is that corruption and cronyism have spoiled the old two parties and only new blood and new ideas are going to pull us up and out of this hole we are sinking in.

These are my opinions. I have done a lot of reading and a lot of soul searching and I AM a the bone. If you choose not to join me as a Libertarian, that is completely fine and completely your choice. But allow yourself a little some homework...learn about the "other" parties. You might find one that actually represents what you truly believe in...and not just the "lesser of two evils".

Best of luck and good wishes to all....Live Free.

edit on 10/4/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

Let me just thank you for opening up some dialogue here.

I too was brought up in a Republican way. The TRUTH about the 2 Party System is this:

Democrats support the Poor, Minorities, Unions and Liberals. They are for Socialism.

Republicans support the Rich and Corporations.

Both are Criminals. Both are Tax and Spend Platforms. Neither of them are for anyone's best interest but their own.

There have been many arguements about WHO THEY SERVE, suggesting that they are PUPPETS of some NWO Conspiracy or shadow government. I don't know if I buy into that or not. I've still yet to see any "REAL PROOF" that such exists or plans to RULE THE WORLD.

I do want to say that I am an INDEPENDENT and will remain so the rest of my natural life. I DO NOT believe in the 2 PARTY SYSTEM anymore. I DO NOT buy into anything either has to say or sell. I trust them not. Neither should you. The 2 Party system is completely dysfunctional and is about to implode on itself. They feed on their own like vampires.

Anyone doing research on whether or not American is a Christian Country, should really start looking from the Magna Carta forward. This country is 70% Christian. Our system of law was an adaption of Native American Indian Laws and English Common Law. Native Americans are "spiritual" people and I'm a Christian Spiritualist (Cherokee Shaman). I want to see our country return to its roots. It will never put a 3rd party candidate in the White House until we can dispense with the 2 Party System of Dysfunction and Corruption.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by Labrynth2012

the truth is there are no republicans or democrats . those are just labels that some people apply to others to cause conflict, confusion, make money.

simple divide and conquer tactics since WWI.

america is a one party system. the real players in this country dont change with the elections.

elections are just a "dog and pony " show

what a pair we have this term

Vote Jeremiah 2012!

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by AnonymousMoose

They apparently got Romney's attention. It was just a few weeks ago his lawyers was trying to get Gary Johnson tossed off the ballot in a couple of states. I guess they fear the notion of freedom and liberty might become contagious.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Another_Nut

That's a good point. How long till corruption? Not long unless something is done to prevent "one on one" lobbyist meetings. I have no issue with special interest groups wanting to state their position/needs to a representative. I DO have a problem that it happens behind closed doors without anyone overseeing it. It needs to be completely transparent and records need to be kept. This might get rid of some of the "glad hand" politcal campaign donations and financial influences.

NO-no-no...not Jeremiah for any office. I think you have to be somekinda nutty to want an elected office. Me personally...I think public/political it local, state or national, should be the equivalent of "jury duty". Something you get randomly called to do. No gigantic salaries, no lifetime pensions. You go, you do your 2 or 4 years and you go glory, no self indulgence.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by NthOther

You are completely correct. The real idea is freedom and self reliance. "True" Liberty at it's heart is anarchy...but that word has so many negative connotations attached.

Sadly, we have to have some form of national gov to represent and protect us on the world stage. Otherwise, we'd be under another "regime" in less than a week. Since we have to have it, I'd prefer one that is small, efficient and un-intrusive into people's personal lives. Prob won't happen though.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Labrynth2012

Who do they serve? They serve's it. Our world has been sliding into deeper and deeper materialism for ages...but now it's like we hit a steeper slope and the slide is accelerating. Don't get me wrong, I like money and nice "stuff" too but it does not rule my life. It is not the purpose of my existence like so many others have been lured into thinking.

If there is a grand first idea is a return to a feudalistic type owned by the wealthy "Lords" and modern Monarchs that the "serfs and slaves" scratch out an existence on and in doing so, make their new "masters" even wealthier. I'm sure there will still be "freemen and merchants"...probably those with multi-lingual skills or rare technical skills (return to the "guilds" of old).

I too am spiritual, but not religious. I read religion, philosophy and science and the satisfaction of my own mind...reconciled them into my own personal view of the cosmos.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Another_Nut
reply to post by Labrynth2012

the truth is there are no republicans or democrats . those are just labels that some people apply to others to cause conflict, confusion, make money.

simple divide and conquer tactics since WWI.

america is a one party system. the real players in this country dont change with the elections.

elections are just a "dog and pony " show

what a pair we have this term

Vote Jeremiah 2012!

Absolutely correct! (Bolded and italics)

The two parties are not different enough to matter anymore. One lies and says they represent the rich and the other lies and say they represent the poor or "middle class". The truth is, they think they are so superior to everyone else, they are representing no one but their own selfish interests. The "two parties" are two wings of the same bird of prey...and we are the prey.

It is a dog and pony show (Donkey and elephant show). I am trying to hold out hope that we can turn this ship around...but hope ...these a tenuous proposition...each new day...each new political ad...chips away at it.

And no Jeremiah 2012 or ever!...I'd be a horrible leader and everyone would hate me.
edit on 10/9/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:41 PM
Third party, you know that party full of liberal and republicans who lack the backing and funds to run on there own ticket.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by Resurected

That is almost correct...sad isn't it?

Second line.

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