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The Debate: Showing Their True Colors?

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posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:56 AM
I mentioned this elsewhere, but I was wondering if anybody else was bothered by it, or if it was just my own perspective.

To put it simply, neither of them even pretended to try and follow the rules.
The debate had a simple structure, which was layed out to them at the beginning. Segments, time limits, etc.

Neither one followed the rules at all, from the very first question, to the end.
Neither gave a straight answer to anything. Neither abided by the time limits. They were both talking over each other and the moderater.

If they couldn't follow simple rules for a mere couple of hours, how can we expect them to follow the rules when running the country?

I think they both showed their true colors. They both hold themselves above the law, and showed that they both feel the rules don't apply to them, that they can disregard them at will. They showed disrespect for the rules, the host, each other, and the public. I know it was "just a debate, not real life", but I believe it showed a micrcosm, as it were, of what the candidates really think about the importance of rules, and by extension, laws. The Constitution. Either of them would disregard the rule of law at the drop of a hat if it was at all inconvenient to them or their purpose.

I dunno, maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's just my own outdated, twisted worldview.
Those seeking positions of power need to be held to higher standards, and neither of them could be bothered to even try to meet the most basic guidelines.

That's how I saw it, anyway. I don't know who won the debate, but I know who lost.

We, the people.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:03 AM
Oh brother... you are over thinking this buddy...

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by subject x

Romney won the debate. Look at every single debate poll from afterwards. All have Romney as the clear, without a shadow of a doubt, winner.

As to following debate procedure...I personally, was glad to see Romney stand up for himself for a change, and challenge and rebut Obama's blatant attempts to paint Romney with an inaccurate brush.


posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:13 AM
If you're a democrat, you HAVE to realize that.........that was bad...........real bad!

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by subject x

There is a old saying; "If you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough." I do believe that is life.

I do try to be a honest person, but we all bend the rules from time to time. We just hate getting called out on it.

Maybe they should cut the mike of the debater when his time runs out or it is not his turn? It would be embarrassing to be cut off in mid-sentence.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Thunderheart
Oh brother... you are over thinking this buddy...

Maybe. That's a distinct possibility.
Or maybe, you're under-thinking it. There's a lot of that going around...

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
Maybe they should cut the mike of the debater when his time runs out or it is not his turn? It would be embarrassing to be cut off in mid-sentence.

Maybe the debators should have to wear shock collars, and every time they stray off topic, exceed their time, or interrupt the other...

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:27 AM
The debate was poorly moderated... plain an simple.

They each were allowed to stretch the boundaries and subsequently had to think on their feet

If you're looking for a good parallel, then this is exactly what the President should be able to do, as hardly anyone in politics, foreign or domestic, plays by the rules.

It was interesting to watch.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by subject x

Romney won the debate. Look at every single debate poll from afterwards. All have Romney as the clear, without a shadow of a doubt, winner.

As to following debate procedure...I personally, was glad to see Romney stand up for himself for a change, and challenge and rebut Obama's blatant attempts to paint Romney with an inaccurate brush.


Yeah, I loved that. It's about time someone stood up to obama and it cleraly showed here obama couldn't handle it.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:33 AM
I actually liked that they allowed them to break the rules. I feel like we heard more details than we would have otherwise.

Though, we also heard a lot more repetition on both sides.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 10:37 AM
I watched the debate last night, got up this morning and did some fact checking.But it seems many got up and went right to the opinion polls.
Neither candidate followed the rules for the debate and both lied.
Neither candidate showed anything different than what we already know.
Mittens did come out swinging and was more aggressive but he is down in the polls.
A wild animal that is cornered will become aggressive and defend itself.
To assume Mittens won the debate because he was more aggressive is a joke.
In last nights debate Mittens showed the same man he always was and is . A man with no emotion, who flip flops on every issue, who refuses to give any specifics on any of his plans or ideas.
Nobama is no better than Mittens. The only difference is Nobama can connect to the common man, and Mittens never will.
The only loser to last night debate is the american people.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by OLD HIPPY DUDE

I'm with you on all counts there, Hippy. I'm amazed the people will even consider either one of those clowns.

I have to say, though, that I'm kinda surprised today as to no-body caring about not following the rules.
If our leaders aren't going to even pay lip service to the rules, what's the point?

I guess next time the POTUS makes an end run around the Constitution, most folks, including here, will be cool with that.

The next time he decides to start bombing people in distant lands without a formal declaration of war, most folks are cool with that, too.

Different scale, maybe, but the exact same principle. Without the rule of law, we, as a country, cease to exist, and both these idiots have shown just what stock they put in rules.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 11:12 AM
I agree with you! They both broke the rules at every turn and will continue to do so!

What they need for debates is a loud clear buzzer to all and then put a timer on the screen. They have to do this because obviously the candidates are to tarded to follow the rules.

On a side note: This debate was basically about energy, and health care!
Obama: going forward with condoning anything fossil fuel related.
Romney: going to free up everything fossil fuel related.

Obama: pushing solar/wind/organic energy
Romney: pushing oil/gas/coal

Health care
Obama: wants the people to rely on government for health care, and the medical community to rely on government for money.

Romney: wants the people to rely on corporations for health care, and the medical community to rely on corporations for their money.


Obama = socialist: government run system
Romney = corporatism: corporate run system

Both guys have agendas and the people are not part of it! Have fun America.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 11:31 AM
Obama's true colors came through loud and clear.

We saw the real Obama......

Lackadaisical, passive, and arrogant and weak.

He really is "Transparent" now.

He can't hide from the Sun.

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