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Kissinger: World without the religious state of Israel

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posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 05:53 AM
It appears the US Intelligence Community is going to have to address the Jewish state of Israel's plight and face the reality, which is the US can't support killing off all of the Muslum world as it started to do with Iraq.

The US can't exist allied with those that cause pertetual wars over their arrogance of religion.

Henry Kissinger, who started out Jewish, is no longer in the support Israel camp.

And the reading of the tea leaves on Israel is going to become obvious

Kissinger, US intelligence community endorse “World Without Israel”

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been vilified in the Western media for daring to imagine “a world without Israel.”

But according to news reports, Henry Kissinger and sixteen American intelligence agencies agree that in the near future, Israel will no longer exist.


The US intelligence community report says that in light of these realities, the US government simply no longer has the military and financial resources to continue propping up Israel against the wishes of more than a billion of its neighbors. In order to normalize relations with 57 Islamic countries, the report suggests, the US will have to follow its own national interests and pull the plug on Israel.

Interestingly, neither Henry Kissinger nor the authors of the US Intelligence Report give any sign that they are going to mourn the demise of Israel. This is remarkable, given that Kissinger is Jewish and has always been viewed as a friend (if occasionally a tough friend) of Israel, and that all Americans, including those who work for intelligence agencies, have been influenced by the strongly pro-Israel media.


But more and more Americans, including the US intelligence community as a whole, now recognize that the enemies of Israel (the entire Muslim world of over 1.5 billion people, along with most of the non-European world) do not have to be the enemies of the United States. In fact, the US is going broke and sacrificing thousands of lives in wars for Israel - wars that damage, rather than aid, US strategic interests. (One of those interests, of course, is buying oil and gas from stable, cooperative governments.)

One of the additional problems is the various religious factions in the US that keep supporting Israel interests because of their own religion's issues. They ignore that hard core Jewish religion doesn't think well of the Jesus theme, but the Islamic theme allows Jesus as Prophet. The Jewish theme that Jesus isn't God appears true, and the issue of Islam that Jesus was Prophet would appear as solid good advice to the US religious communities.

The religious community in the US has taken a ride on faith and spirit that is not justified, just as the wild claims of religious Israel won't stand the test of time and reality, neither will those with similar extremes of religion that violate truth.

Just as the Israel people are not really the face of God, neither shall it come to pass that Jesus will be seen as some God in the times of return to simple reality. imho

edit on 4-10-2012 by MagnumOpus because: The end of Israel, the return to reason, truth, and simple reality.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 06:11 AM
Good news.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
One of the additional problems is the various religious factions in the US that keep supporting Israel interests because of their own religion's issues. They ignore that hard core Jewish religion doesn't think well of the Jesus theme, but the Islamic theme allows Jesus as Prophet.

The religious community in the US has taken a ride on faith and spirit that is not justified

It's downright foolish to think that way. God gave us a brain to use, not just how to make more $$$ and listen to what everybody says - the disease of every religion today!

They want their free ride to heaven to come now. The false messiah will come for them alright, and then God's wrath.

Israel doesn't want the real Jesus who stood against them! They want their false messiah.
edit on 4-10-2012 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

They want their free ride to heaven to come now.

Can you be more specific, like who wants that?
Aren't you included in that group too?
Aren't you a "rapture" enthusiast?

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by ahnggk

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
One of the additional problems is the various religious factions in the US that keep supporting Israel interests because of their own religion's issues. They ignore that hard core Jewish religion doesn't think well of the Jesus theme, but the Islamic theme allows Jesus as Prophet.

The religious community in the US has taken a ride on faith and spirit that is not justified

It's downright foolish to think that way. God gave us a brain to use, not just how to make more $$$ and listen to what everybody says - the disease of every religion today!

They want their free ride to heaven to come now. The false messiah will come for them alright, and then God's wrath.

Israel doesn't want the real Jesus who stood against them! They want their false messiah.
edit on 4-10-2012 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)

Actually the Messiah they are waiting on is Jesus, they just don't know it yet, and when they see the nail scars they will know who he is and they will be severely grief stricken.

Zechariah 12:10

10 “And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn.

They don't believe Messiah came 2000 years ago because they were forbidden to read the book of Daniel, Talmudic Rabbis put a curse on the book of Daniel that all the plagues in the hebrew bible would fall on any jew seeking to discern the identity of Messiah by using the book of Daniel so they don't know Messiah had to appear before second temple was destroyed and thats the primary reason the deny Jesus. The secondary reason is all the persecutions they endured over the last 2000 years hardened their hearts, and people saying Jesus was born on December 25th, the same day Sol Invictus/Mithra/Nimrod were all born sends bells and whistles off in their heads and they think we're pagans because most christians do not even know Jesus was actually born when it was still warm around Sukkot and not on the winter solstice.
edit on 4-10-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Henry Kissinger, who started out Jewish, is no longer in the support Israel camp.

The writer of this article in PressTV (an Iranian owned company) is using as his source, a blog in the NY Post by Cindy Adams, saying: Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated — and I quote the statement word for word: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”
The above statement is found IN THE GOSSIP COLUMN!
So what she is doing is "quoting" what someone told her that Kissinger said.
Then Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, who is writing this article in an Iranian web site, is describing it as if Cindy Adams was directly quoting Kissinger, which she wasn't, she was quoting an anonymous person who told her what Kissinger said.
This seems really hokey to me and I would recommend no one give this any credibility.
edit on 4-10-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
Aren't you included in that group too?
Aren't you a "rapture" enthusiast?

Why do you keep accusing me of things I never profess, even oppose?

I don't believe in rapture period.

Whenever I say many will face God's wrath. I'm speaking in the context of the soul. Everyone will face tribulation...

...But those in the truth will suffer least...

...Because they are not afraid to die, to feel pain, and suffering, they have no investments in this world. They got nothing to lose in this world!

That's the only reason I can speak of these things comfortably like if it happens tomorrow and I too die in the cataclym, who cares, I got no stakes in this world, not even my life!
edit on 4-10-2012 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Actually the Messiah they are waiting on is Jesus, they just don't know it yet, and when they see the nail scars they will know who he is and they will be severely grief stricken.

Red flag!!!

They don't know???

What if the false messiah comes with nail scars and telling them, "I will finally be your king in power"???

They'll fall for that one for sure!! How they will love a king who will be their teeth instead of rebuking them like the original Jesus did!

You know Jesus NOT by the nails scars alone! Anyone can duplicate it! We got cosmetic surgery now!

I tell you, they still don't know Jesus. Once they rebuilt the temple, that is yet the biggest sign they don't know Jesus and have not turned from the old ways that crucified Jesus!

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by ahnggk

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Actually the Messiah they are waiting on is Jesus, they just don't know it yet, and when they see the nail scars they will know who he is and they will be severely grief stricken.

Red flag!!!

They don't know???

What if the false messiah comes with nail scars and telling them, "I will finally be your king in power"???

They'll fall for that one for sure!! How they will love a king who will be their teeth instead of rebuking them like the original Jesus did!

You know Jesus NOT by the nails scars alone! Anyone can duplicate it! We got cosmetic surgery now!

I tell you, they still don't know Jesus. Once they rebuilt the temple, that is yet the biggest sign they don't know Jesus and have not turned from the old ways that crucified Jesus!

Cosmetic surgery is possible, but then who do you know can roll apart the sky and step down on the Mount of Olives and it will split. Do you know any person who can do that?

Oh yes, and great kings of the earth will mourn and run to hide from Him. Jesus is coming back the same way He left, in front of witnesses. It will be visible, it will be in Jerusalem and everyone will recognize Him.

Have faith in God to keep the prophecies.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

They don't believe Messiah came 2000 years ago because they were forbidden to read the book of Daniel, Talmudic Rabbis put a curse on the book of Daniel that all the plagues in the hebrew bible would fall on any jew seeking to discern the identity of Messiah by using the book of Daniel so they don't know Messiah had to appear before second temple was destroyed and thats the primary reason the deny Jesus. The secondary reason is all the persecutions they endured over the last 2000 years hardened their hearts, and people saying Jesus was born on December 25th, the same day Sol Invictus/Mithra/Nimrod were all born sends bells and whistles off in their heads and they think we're pagans because most christians do not even know Jesus was actually born when it was still warm around Sukkot and not on the winter solstice.

Why is it that Jesus said, "as told about by Daniel" if no one listening to him would know what he was talking about.

". . . all the persecutions they endured over the last 2000 years hardened their hearts, and people saying Jesus was born on December 25th . . ." can not retroactively account for why the Jews crucified Jesus.

I think the so-called state of Israel has their messiah in Netanyahu, as rather probably more the representative of the Messiah, which is themselves, meaning the Israelis, who follow a model spelled out in the book of Esther, where they take the position that they are a holy people so things will go well for them as long as they stick to their laws that make them holy, to take their own initiative in political matters without consulting with or asking help from God, and only to use God as a fallback, in the event of their plans failing.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by ahnggk

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Actually the Messiah they are waiting on is Jesus, they just don't know it yet, and when they see the nail scars they will know who he is and they will be severely grief stricken.

Red flag!!!

They don't know???

What if the false messiah comes with nail scars and telling them, "I will finally be your king in power"???

They'll fall for that one for sure!! How they will love a king who will be their teeth instead of rebuking them like the original Jesus did!

You know Jesus NOT by the nails scars alone! Anyone can duplicate it! We got cosmetic surgery now!

I tell you, they still don't know Jesus. Once they rebuilt the temple, that is yet the biggest sign they don't know Jesus and have not turned from the old ways that crucified Jesus!

The Temple isn't the issue, sacrifice and burnt offering is the issue. The last 2000 years they had no temple and couldnt sacrifice or burn offering, so they've in effect actually been living in faith, even if not in the faith of Messiah Jesus. By beginning sacrifice again it is sending a clear signal to God that him sacrificing himself for their sins wasn't good enough for them and thats when he dumps his wrath on them and then they will know they have really messed up and start seeking his face in Christ.

Jeremiah 7:21-26

21 Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices and eat meat. 22 For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices. 23 But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.’ 24 Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but followed the counsels and the dictates of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward. 25 Since the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt until this day, I have even sent to you all My servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them. 26 Yet they did not obey Me or incline their ear, but stiffened their neck. They did worse than their fathers.

Going back to sacrifice is them going backwards and not forwards again, which is the very thing that enraged him in the first place. Without the temple they had no choice but to go forward, but when the sacrifices begin that is them choosing tradition over him again.

Any believers that are raised up after the harpazo had better distance themselves from these sacrifices once they begin, because God is going to slam the hammer down to the anvil to the point theyre going to know he is enraged.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

Why do you keep accusing me of things I never profess, even oppose?

It's not out of any ill will towards you personally.
I don't even know you.
And if you think people are meticulously splicing together a definitive theology from your posts, I think you may be out of touch with reality a bit.
If you want people to not mistakenly attribute certain beliefs to you, you need to articulately spell them out for people who may be reading your output for the first time.
I for one don't know what you wrote at some earlier date, nor would I try to remember the details if I did know them earlier, where I find it difficult enough to remember just what I wrote a couple months ago.
Otherwise, what I am suggesting is that if you care what people think about what you believe, clearly state what you believe and don't assume people picked up on that by following and memorizing your every post.
Make the post you are writing now (every post) count by being unambiguous, and being that in a deliberate sort of way.
edit on 4-10-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by WarminIndy

Cosmetic surgery is possible, but then who do you know can roll apart the sky and step down on the Mount of Olives and it will split. Do you know any person who can do that?

Oh yes, and great kings of the earth will mourn and run to hide from Him. Jesus is coming back the same way He left, in front of witnesses. It will be visible, it will be in Jerusalem and everyone will recognize Him.

Have faith in God to keep the prophecies.
The sky does not "roll apart", it receded or departed or went away, depending on the translation version. The NASB has "The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up . . . " which doesn't make sense to me. How is it normal for s scroll to split apart?
What Revelation is describing seems more like everything in the universe above where people are standing basically disappears, leaving them seeing the only other thing left to be seen, which is a throne with someone sitting on it, and the crowd of people standing near the throne, who were the victims of those who are looking up at them.
Those are all events connected with the opening of the sixth seal. There is still to come the seventh, along with the plagues associated with the seven trumpets. So the "heavens as a scroll" scene is not something in a chronological order, since the world seems to be continuing on for some while afterwards. It seems more likely to me that it is describing a sort of flash forward for the sake of those who were martyred, being told that as they had nowhere to hide from the wrath of their persecutors, their tormentors will in turn find nowhere to hide, on judgment day.
The thing I am pointing out is that your idea that the "heavens as a scroll" scene is a description of Jesus' second coming does not hold up to scrutiny. It is describing a general view of what was believed at the time of the writing of Revelation, how Judgment Day might look like.
The "step down on the Mount of Olives and it will split" bit comes from Zechariah and is not picked up on by the New Testament as applying to some future event. If you want to take the position that the old testament has to be "fulfilled" then you can say it was, by Jesus in that the blessing that flowed from him to go out into the world had its origin in that geographical location, at least in a general and symbolic sense.
As for the "Jesus is coming back the same way He left" part of your post, it may say that in your English translation but in the Greek, it is not convincingly, at least not to me, that it has to taken in that way. See my earlier post giving a more complete explanation of Acts 1:11
The English leaves out a bunch of words, where in the linked-to post, I keep them in and put parentheses around them so you can see what the verse is really saying.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
you need to articulately spell them out for people who may be reading your output for the first time.
I for one don't know what you wrote at some earlier date, nor would I try to remember the details if I did know them earlier

I stand corrected then!

I remember I kept speaking of the tribulation sounding like it will never get the elect, but it will.

Had to remind myself of that.


The Temple isn't the issue, sacrifice and burnt offering is the issue. The last 2000 years they had no temple and couldnt sacrifice or burn offering, so they've in effect actually been living in faith, even if not in the faith of Messiah Jesus.

Close. We're talking of events only a few years apart, but you're right!

I agree with what you said about all the fiasco bringing back the Old Covenant practices which are obsolete....

...Which the real Jesus would despise!

The real problem today are the religious groups advocating the state of Israel. Many Christians are in this and will inevitably fall into that deception.

After all, the deception wouldn't be great if many Christians can't be bought. They should know!

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 12:07 PM
Not a gigantic surprise that an Iranian news source would have a nice long article about this supposed statement.

How many lines do you think they'll devote to the refutation from Kissinger's office?

A staffer for Henry Kissinger denied that the former U.S. secretary of state said that Israel will not be in existence in 10 years.

"It's not a misquote," Tara Butzbaugh, who works in Kissinger's New York office, told JTA on Monday, referring to an item in Cindy Adams' New York Post gossip column. "He didn't say it." (Source)

I'm guessing that "zero" is a pretty good estimate, lol.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus
One of the additional problems is the various religious factions in the US that keep supporting Israel interests because of their own religion's issues. They ignore that hard core Jewish religion doesn't think well of the Jesus theme, but the Islamic theme allows Jesus as Prophet. The Jewish theme that Jesus isn't God appears true, and the issue of Islam that Jesus was Prophet would appear as solid good advice to the US religious communities.

Why is seemingly everyone on ATS determined to turn Islam into the scapegoat? You speak of reason and truth but do you see what the Muslim religion is doing to the world? You may have a problem with the Jewish and Christian faiths but at least those religions do not force their beliefs upon you via a form of structured government (Sharia). At least those faiths, statistically, have less violent extremists and do not behead you for believing otherwise. At least the Jewish and Christian faiths do not teach Jihad and deception and murder in exchange for eternal sex with virgins in the afterlife.

I am well aware that the Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah. This is a process that may unfold in our lifetimes. Muslims see him as a prophet, but that doesn't make Islam more tolerant or Christ-like. If someone came to you and told you they were the Son of God, they are either telling the truth, lying, or just bat# insane. I can't accept that Muslims do not believe Jesus is who he says he is and yet call him a "prophet". I can't accept that Muhammad was the last prophet of God because even Muhammad could not recognize whether the entity that visited him was divine or demonic. Muhammad went mad and even became suicidal. He was sexually immoral and a hypocrite - restricting his followers to 4 wives while he had many, many more.

Furthermore, if we keep investigating the symbols of Islam we see that it is just a repackaged version of moon-god worship. The only difference is that it came 700 years after Christ and claimed to be apart of the family of Abraham. It is clearly a reincarnation of Babylon.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by DarkKnight21

. . . at least those religions do not force their beliefs upon you via a form of structured government (Sharia).
Really, you don't think so?
Maybe not in your own recent memory.
We in the US still live under religious law.
Why does your local bar stop serving alcohol at 2:00 AM?
I know where I live, On Sunday you can't even buy beer in a store on Sunday before noon and not after midnight, Sunday night.
In the city, which I live outside of, You can't work on Sunday, unless you as a homeowner are working in your own yard.
Why? Religious law.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 12:35 PM
While most know that Kissinger was born to Jewish parents in Germany, he didn't take up too many Jewish roots. Kissinger naturalized to the US and the Army sent him to Engineering school, which likely produced his no-nonsense frank style. Kissinger tends to be very realistic in his missives on Israel and Zionist religion issues.

The short phase sounds like something he would deduce. Guess someone will have to ask him directly if he said the comment, which doesn't sound out of place for Kissinger.

Told Algerian minister another war with Israel might be politically advantageous

Henry Kissinger isn't appreciated by the Zionists:

Yet, Kissinger, during his tenure in that position, did everything possible to bring about the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of yet another 5 million Jews. In that he did not succeed because President Nixon, a man who ranted anti-Jewish epithets, saved the people of Israel from mass murder against the wishes and machinations of Kissinger.

Kissinger's run ins with the Zionist produced a negative experience for Kissinger and he isn't shy about saying so:

Kissinger Called Jews 'Self-Serving,' 'Bastards'
Documents from 1972 show then-Secretary of State Kissinger, a Jew, held anti-Jewish views.

Then Kissinger had some advice for Obama, who is now finding just how manipulative the Zionist are in US elections and affairs of state:

I think most of the real intelligence community would have similar experiences and opinions of the Israeli's as Kissinger's first hand dealings. imho

Seems like one of the US Advisers to many administrations, Clark Clifford, predicted the Arabs would push the Israeli's into the Mediterranean, so this isn't a new prediction that is unique to Kissinger.

The plan to force the creation of Jewish homeland Israel into the midst of the area of Islam, via the Balfour Agreement with the Jewish Rothschild's banking, was a formula for perpetual wars, that make for seeding essentially WWIII.

If we get right do to it, the prediction of the end of Israel is even part of Revelation's predictions complete with imagery that sounds a lot like Nuclear Armageddon.

edit on 8-10-2012 by MagnumOpus because: The questioned Kissinger attribution is also a huge part of Revelations prophecy.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

. . . prediction of the end of Israel is even part of Revelation's predictions complete with imagery that sounds a lot like Nuclear Armageddon.
I don't see the similarity between the two things.
Maybe I am missing something.
Would you like to point that out, the points of contact between the two events?

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