Originally posted by olaru12
reply to post by Josephus
This film really wasn't about anything. It was a study of two characters, and the dysfunctional complexity of their relationship. The cult [perhaps
scientology] was just a backdrop to hang their story on.
I can't believe how fantastic this film was!
I was thinking while watching the film nonstop,,, i think it is an underwhelming understatement to say " the film wasnt about anything".....
it is to an extent about man rising above an animal state,,, but i dont think that that is what is problematic,,, unless you want to just say man is
futiley problematic always and in general for being above the general animal state ..... Man is already above the state of the animal.,.., PSH's
character is attempting ( like all religions) to acurately interpret and suck and drain absolute truths and morals and guidelines out of reality,,,
that are there to be dictated to man,, he is trying to capture eternal infinity,,, he is trying to comprehend and make sense of it all,,,, but
whenever he attempts to do this in a way he has already failed,,,, because reality is exactly as it is,, and anything he puts on paper to code people
to do,,, is his willful hand molding a part of nature,,, to me this is about the absolute existence of value or meaning,, if these things exist,, if
they matter,,, if man should just make his codes and laws and they are good enough,, or if there are better ones always,,, is there right and wrong,,,
is always being right , right,,, does it matter,,, can and should he do anything about it,,.,. etc..
I thought the film showed how a supposed holy man,,, one who is revered by many others,, one who says they wish to desiree to be perfect as god
intends,,, is still highly corruptible,,, he keeps changing his theories and ideas,, which is cool to show that "truth" maybe a constant work in
progress.,.., Also he needed to pawn his "word of god" as a way for him and his wife to make a living,,, and you can see in scenes his wife is the
bossy one,, almost to an extent where she can be perceived as the masters master,,,.,. .,,. it also goes to show how a man who akes his living
explaining the way to live the pure and perfect life,,, wants nothing more then to get wasted and do carnal activities,, his best friend is a know
nothing delinquent,,, I know i didnt say all I thought about the film and i know what i did say was not said in a perfeclty understandable manner,, so
i am certainly willing to continued conversing about this film,,, for i did enjoy it,,., also i know these are my opinions,, but i feel it is beyond
my opinion to say,,, the director did not create this film with the intention of depicting ... nothing.