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Key phrases to listen for in the 10/3 US Presidential Debate

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posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 10:37 AM
In order to ease the pain of knowing that either Romney or Obama will likely be elected this year, and the uselessness of watching them go through the motions anyway (like a train wreck that you can't look away from), we're having a little "sipping game" while we watch tonight's debate.

So far, we have:

Every time Obama says, "Let's be clear..." we're having a sip of [insert favorite beverage here].
Every time Obama says, "Let's be clear..." while holding up a hand for emphasis, we sip [insert favorite beverage here] twice.

I know, I know....this is frivolous, and some members might lambaste me for making a mockery of our US electoral system. I submit that a corrupt two-party system in which many people vote for the 'lesser of two evils' is already a mockery!

So please help us out, ATS. Do you have any other favorite phrases or mannerisms for the list (especially for Romney, as I am rather unfamiliar with his speeches).

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by graceunderpressure

Don't forget on the Romney side, every time he says "job creators" to take another sip.

I'm sure you will get plenty of suggestions that will get you drunk in no time during the debate.

ETA: found a debate bingo card:

edit on 10/3/12 by FortAnthem because:
_______ extra DIV

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 10:41 AM
How about every time they make a campaign promise we drink?

I know we may end up drinking a lot, but if your beverage of choice is alcohol, might as well drink yourself into a stupor and forget the promises because we all know they are not coming to fruition

edit on 3-10-2012 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 10:45 AM
On NPR this morning they brought in a psychologist and an analyst and talked about how politicians dodge questions.

What caught my attention was they claimed something like only a third of the dodges are even noticed.

Now I know most people are stupid as hell. I've made my career on that fact. Stupid as hell doesnt even begin to describe the population at large really.

But to only notice a third of the dodges? C'mon! Either a question is answered or it isnt. I cant say that I've ever heard more than maybe a half dozen questions asked of politicians that were actually answered in my lifetime.

So take a shot every time you notice a dodge. Either you'll be in the ER with alcohol poisoning or just a little tipsy by the end of the debate.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Key phrases to listen for in the 10/3 US Presidential Debate

Key phrases I'd like to hear tonight ...

From Romney ..
"I admit that I'm in over my head and haven't got a clue as to how to run the country"
"I admit I have a strange luv affair with Israel and would easily go to war for them"
"I admit that my Mormon church is founded in racism"
"I admit that Paul Ryan understands economics much more than I do"
"I admit that I know I can't win and am in this race for myself and my own financial gain"
"I admit that I pulled the 47% number out of my backend and haven't got a clue about it"

From Obama ..
"I admit that I'm in over my head and haven't got a clue as to how to run the country"
"I admit I have a strange luv affair with the Muslim Brotherhood"
"I admit that my Black Liberation Theology background is based in racism"
"I admit that the economy sucks and that I can't keep blaming Bush43 "
"I admit that I hate Israel to the point that I can't function with Bibi"
"I admit we screwed up with Benghazi .. Benghazi gate is real"
"I admit Hillary could do a much better job in the Oval Office than I can".
"I admit that my severe lack of foreign experience is screwing us over internationally'
"I admit that I'm protecting Eric Holder; that he should be prosecuted'; but he's my bud so he won't be'

edit on 10/3/2012 by FlyersFan because: spelling

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 11:02 AM
What do I wish to hear?

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

From Obama
"I do"

From Romney
"I do"

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 11:04 AM
Sounds like a drinking game to me.

Ah well, c'est la vie.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 12:47 PM
Oh wow, some excellent ideas and resources, here.

Fort, love the Bingo cards, and my favorite suggestion from the Pres. Debate Drinking Games website was "two drinks if his [Romney's] attempt at a zinger falls miserably flat"

MD, yes to bottom's up on the campaign promises. That totally goes with the spirit of creating a deliberate state of forgetfulness.

Thisguy, I agree with you about the dodges. How annoying, and how sad that so many are missed (although I will probably miss more and more as the evening progresses).

Flyers, if I heard any one of the statements you posted from either candidate, I would 1) be astonished and 2) pass right out without drinking a drop.

Cyprex, why don't they make them swear an oath? Sheesh! We've all just come to accept that they're lying when their lips move, and that's a shame.

(And yes, it's a drinking game. I was trying to be a little subtle about it in case any under-agers were reading.)

Thank you for some great ideas. I knew you'd come through!

Final question: Wouldn't it be perfect if they mandated that the debate monitor is an ATS member?

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 12:55 PM
How about a shot for:

"Cutting taxes"


"Paying their (your) fair share"

If you wanna get tanked, throw in shots for healthcare reform and/or Obamacare...I'm sure that's a buzz all by it's self

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Jeremiah65

Oh ,please don't say "Obamacare!" It gives me a headache like the little guy in your avatar must have!

I like how you got that "paying 'their' fair share actually means "paying your fair share."

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 11:32 PM

What caught my attention was they claimed something like only a third of the dodges are even noticed.
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Did you know that before you were told by NPR? Did you wonder where they got their info? Surely as you define yourself as a Librarian in your Motto or self definition under your call sign over there youi know how to research their info for you the "consumer" taking it you are not a victim of framing (media and public opinion word).

I am a bit put off by your constant reference to people being stupid. You sound like a post-pubescent emo working in the library off time from your emo-clothing.

Now I know most people are stupid as hell. I've made my career on that fact. Stupid as hell doesnt even begin to describe the population at large really.

This is what I have a problem with. If you feel like you are smarter because you ration books out to people you are an embarrasment to education services in general. Trust me when Carnegie set up his foundation to provide information to the masses it wasn't so people that share your opinion could feel superior. I have a clue offer something. Anything, other than your condescending opinion.

I for one believe ATS has one of the largest populations of thinkers on the net. It is forum on natural steroids. People are curious. Their guts tell them something is exactly not clear...they come here and hash it out. Many people are not informed with sources that are credible, enlightening and confident they know how to think critically. What i went to school for I could be making a lot more money for. I don;t even use my science degrees. I ddon;t agree with the Frankenstein Nazi-isc things Pharmeceuticals do. People have said to me quite often why did you go to school for taht and not use it (including my mother) but i learned what is most important for me and to pass on to my children. How to think critically. By the way my wife and I own rental property in different towns, have careers and are gaining financial success, I say that so you undesrtand the questions are intrinsic in nature. I feel we are already succesful because we think critically and our gathering fruit of knowledge. That is Greek.

i am just saying educate/ don't berate, that is not denying ignorance. I get told by people I am smarter tahn anyone they have ever known, but there are people on here who are so articulate and informative they make me feel undisciplined and im.patient. I have been corrected by mods telling me I have gotten toooo emotional. I appreciate that. Please consider what I have said as coaching.

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