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Pat Caddell Says: Media Have Become an "Enemy of the American people"

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posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by PvtHudson

Can you cite such?

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:57 PM
It used to be the sales of the papers and magazines, including ads, fully supported the business. Now it's all about who pays the bills of the news company so your company stays alive. The supporters tells the news corps what to say and when. But more importantly what LIE BY OMISSION to engage in. Those are less noticed and subtle but just as powerful.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:59 PM
The lefty media knows it's all or nothing with this election. Anyone who argues otherwise is extremely un-informed, or another lefty shill.

This would be a great infomercial. It's just the right length.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by PvtHudson

Originally posted by Kali74
\. Liberal media spins and may be soft on Dems (honestly, they are light on all politics... both sides) but the Right media just plain outright LIES.

This is such bullocks. Do you keep up with the things that come out of the media to even know what you're talking about? The media is regularly caught, outright lying in order to attack or discredit Obama's opponents. It acts as an extension of the Democrat party.

I'd be interested in seeing evidence of that. I'm not being a smart ass or anything. I'm truly interested to see that sort of information.

That being said, do we really need to point out that one media outlet in particular, FoxNews, is guilty of doing exactly what you describe? Keep in mind that Fox has openly funded, sponsored and promoted Republican/Tea Party events.

By definition, they are part of the Republican party.

So should we really listen to the man in the video when he works/worked for Fox and can therefore be labeled an employee of the GOP?

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by PvtHudson

Congrats, you fell for a common Democrat political ploy. Put spending on pet projects and controversial issues within bills like this one, so that Republicans take heat for *GASP*, not helping the troops! It's also an example of how the media is complicit in their tactics.

That's because the republicans weren't helping the troops. How many stories were there about how family had to pay for a son's or daughters body armor because it wasn't provided for them. How soldiers were sent into the field without the proper equipment. And how many times were they even mentioned at the RNC.

If you have the time here's a good video to watch about FOX.

edit on 30-9-2012 by buster2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 07:10 PM
I wouldn't say the media is an Enemy of the American people," more like they're voices are being held hostage to government and corporate influence. If you can read between the lines, Pat Caddell really wants to say, the media has become an enemy to the republican party." He has his own agenda he's pushing here, considering his audience.

To point out one side of media bias and not the other is showing your bias toward the republican party. You're doing the same bias reporting as the news media that you're complaining about. I read enough political threads here bashing each political party. Yet these "party members" can't give credit for any positive thing the opposite party may have done to improve the life of Americans. This is exactly what our media is doing!

The media is no longer the protector of the people from government corruption or honest reporting. The values that journalist's are expected to follow have been compromised. Ever since the end of the Vietnam war, reporters have lost their free hand to investigate and report the news without repercussions. They have become puppets of government and corporations who want to twist the news to suit their political and corporate agendas.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 09:49 PM
FOX News is the biggest threat to the American people. Its not a real respected News source, but it carries itself as one. The propaganda and attempt at brainwashing the lower class into voting for things that don't help them and actually HARM the ultimate deception. If CNN omits a few minor things to counteract the flat out lies and Propaganda that Fox News is spewing, so be it. CNN has been the one news source that has been internationally respected as a REAL JOURNALISTIC SOURCE for decades and decades! It's the only American News station played in international airports, carried on international cable networks etc. I KNOW BECAUSE I TRAVEL THE ENTIRE WORLD! Fox didn't come on to the scene until....oh that's right, UNTIL GEORGE BUSH ran for PRESIDENT and "won". Fox News announced his win before the votes were counted...and on that glorious day..FOX NEWS was born.

Fox News is trying to COMPETE with CNN not MSNBC. MSNBC is nothing but a very Liberal news source, it doesn't hide that! Fox News is going after the CNN audience, which ATTEMPTS to put itself as that "NATION'S NEWS SOURCE" title. If we let that happen, then our country is done. The Propaganda, hate, racism, sexism, and general judgmental tone of FOX combined with the ZIONIST anti-islamic campaign to pollute the American voter's mind is nothing more than DOMESTIC TERRORISM at it's finest Ladies and Gentleman. Don't be fooled. there is a war for our minds. The Tea Party? Nothing more than an attempt to make the American People so angry and experiment seeing if they can get them to protest...and maybe more. Fox news was even sponsoring their rallies, advertising when and where. It was one big fail. THANK GOD the American people know better, Obama was elected....he's not perfect, but he's not the FOX NEWS candidate and that is ALRIGHT with me. I'm awake, are YOU?

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by PvtHudson

Can you cite such?

Oi vey. You mean, can I do your research for you? You libs crack me up. You take a very "if I don't see it, it didn't happen" approach to self delusion huh?

I on the other hand have been keeping up with this topic for years. There are countless examples, but I'll list just a few quick ones here for you.

Why Media Bias Matters: AP's Ohlemacher Fibs and Obfuscates on Social Security

Reuters doctored photos

NBC to do ‘internal investigation’ on Zimmerman segment

ABC Botches Jobs Report: Touts Incorrect, Obama-Favorable Unemployment Numbers

ABC Links Colorado Mass Killer to Tea Party

Mika Admits MSM Has Liberal Bias

Journalists Admitting Liberal Bias, Part One

“Are reporters biased? There is no doubt that — I’ve worked at the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and worked here at Politico. If I had to guess, if you put all of the reporters that I’ve ever worked with on truth serum, most of them vote Democratic.”
— Politico's Jim VandeHei during C-SPAN's coverage of the GOP primaries, March 13, 2012.

“No person with eyes in his head in 2008 could have failed to see the way that soft coverage helped to propel Obama first to the Democratic nomination and then into the White House.”
— New York Magazine political reporter John Heilemann, January 27, 2012.

“When Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post, it was predictably left-wing, but it was accurate. Under Tina Brown, it is an inaccurate and unfair left-wing propaganda machine.”
— USA Today founder Al Neuharth in his August 19, 2011 column.

“If the 2012 election were held in the newsrooms of America and pitted Sarah Palin against Barack Obama, I doubt Palin would get 10 percent of the vote. However tempting the newsworthy havoc of a Palin presidency, I’m pretty sure most journalists would recoil in horror from the idea.”
— New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller in a column for the paper’s June 19, 2011 Sunday Magazine.

“You guys talk about her [Sarah Palin] a lot, we write about her a lot, yet if you talk to any single reporter at any media organization that we’re aware of, I don’t think that anyone thinks she can be President or should be President.”
— Politico executive editor Jim VandeHei, a former Washington Post political reporter, on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, June 14, 2011.

"The mainstream press is liberal....Since the civil rights and women's movements, the culture wars and Watergate, the press corps at such institutions as the Washington Post, ABC-NBC-CBS News, the NYT, the Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, etc. is composed in large part of 'new' or 'creative' class members of the liberal elite — well-educated men and women who tend to favor abortion rights, women's rights, civil rights, and gay rights. In the main, they find such figures as Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Pat Robertson, or Jerry Falwell beneath contempt....If reporters were the only ones allowed to vote, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, and John Kerry would have won the White House by landslide margins."
— Longtime Washington Post political reporter Thomas Edsall in an October 8, 2009 essay for the Columbia Journalism Review, 'Journalism Should Own Its Liberalism.'

"I'll bet that most Post journalists voted for [Barack] Obama. I did. There are centrists at the Post as well. But the conservatives I know here feel so outnumbered that they don't even want to be quoted by name in a memo."
— Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell in her November 16, 2008 column.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 11:42 AM
Well, I'm trying to post examples and references, but ATS won't let me apparently. Odd eh?

Why Media Bias Matters: AP's Ohlemacher Fibs and Obfuscates on Social Security

ABC Links Colorado Mass Killer to Tea Party

ABC Botches Jobs Report: Touts Incorrect, Obama-Favorable Unemployment Numbers

Journalists Admitting Liberal Bias, Part One

“Are reporters biased? There is no doubt that — I’ve worked at the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and worked here at Politico. If I had to guess, if you put all of the reporters that I’ve ever worked with on truth serum, most of them vote Democratic.”
— Politico's Jim VandeHei during C-SPAN's coverage of the GOP primaries, March 13, 2012.

“No person with eyes in his head in 2008 could have failed to see the way that soft coverage helped to propel Obama first to the Democratic nomination and then into the White House.”
— New York Magazine political reporter John Heilemann, January 27, 2012.

“When Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post, it was predictably left-wing, but it was accurate. Under Tina Brown, it is an inaccurate and unfair left-wing propaganda machine.”
— USA Today founder Al Neuharth in his August 19, 2011 column.

“If the 2012 election were held in the newsrooms of America and pitted Sarah Palin against Barack Obama, I doubt Palin would get 10 percent of the vote. However tempting the newsworthy havoc of a Palin presidency, I’m pretty sure most journalists would recoil in horror from the idea.”
— New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller in a column for the paper’s June 19, 2011 Sunday Magazine.

“You guys talk about her [Sarah Palin] a lot, we write about her a lot, yet if you talk to any single reporter at any media organization that we’re aware of, I don’t think that anyone thinks she can be President or should be President.”
— Politico executive editor Jim VandeHei, a former Washington Post political reporter, on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, June 14, 2011.

"The mainstream press is liberal....Since the civil rights and women's movements, the culture wars and Watergate, the press corps at such institutions as the Washington Post, ABC-NBC-CBS News, the NYT, the Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, etc. is composed in large part of 'new' or 'creative' class members of the liberal elite — well-educated men and women who tend to favor abortion rights, women's rights, civil rights, and gay rights. In the main, they find such figures as Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Pat Robertson, or Jerry Falwell beneath contempt....If reporters were the only ones allowed to vote, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, and John Kerry would have won the White House by landslide margins."
— Longtime Washington Post political reporter Thomas Edsall in an October 8, 2009 essay for the Columbia Journalism Review, 'Journalism Should Own Its Liberalism.'

"I'll bet that most Post journalists voted for [Barack] Obama. I did. There are centrists at the Post as well. But the conservatives I know here feel so outnumbered that they don't even want to be quoted by name in a memo."
— Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell in her November 16, 2008 column.

My lunch break is over now, but I'll post more later. The fact is, you're going to ignore ANYTHING that casts doubt on the media YOU think is fair. You're just incapable or unwilling to be honest. You guys want to whine and complain about Fox, but you want to give YOUR news a pass.

I don't watch Fox (or any cable news), but lets look at some facts here. Fox employees many liberals who regularly give the other sides perspective:

Juan Williams
Alan Colmes
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Geraldo Rivera
Mara Liasson
Bill Schulz
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Santita Jackson
Simon Rosenberg

Now, lets see if you can list the same amount of Republicans/conservatives/libertarians on any of the other networks. I bet you cant come up with a list this long with all those networks COMBINED. You all talk about how Fox lies, yet all you can do is posts videos from left wing political sites that are most likely taken out of context themselves. Being wrong or making a mistake that's later corrected is not a "lie". I'm skeptical about anyone who can rage about Fox's "lies", but turn around and claim the other networks are on the up and up. It's crazy!

edit on 1-10-2012 by PvtHudson because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 12:58 PM
He's right.

The media is biased and dangerous. Obama doesn't have to answer questions and the red flags raised on Obama are abundant. The guy hasn't been vetted, he's been worshipped by the media.

I watched MSNBC the other day and 95% of their coverage is negative on Mitt Romney. It's almost like Romney is running against the media not Obama.

This is why Obama can do soft interviews and avoid tough questions. He can go on the view or pimp with a limp radio show and talk about his favorite soup.

About 90-95% of the political news is about Romney and it's negative on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS.

Fox is seen as biased because they actually ask questions about Obama and Romney. People like Brit Hume and Bill Kristol have been hard on Obama and Romney. Fox has Juan Williams, Alan Colmes, Bob Beckel and more.

The only time Obama has been asked tough questions is on Univision and he had to go to pander to Hispanics. The media is just a mouthpiece for the DNC and it's worse than it has ever been. The media simply worships Obama just like other Obama followers.

As a black man, it's tough when you don't support Obama. Say anything critical about Obama around blacks and they look at you like you have on a white sheet. The blind devotion to Obama is very scary at times.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 05:07 PM
The media has become a bias mess and has become wreckless and journalism has been wrecked as well.This kind of bias media is dangerous to the country.
edit on 1-10-2012 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by PvtHudson

TV anchors know the lies but love being in the know while the sheep goto slaughter
they are satanists who love the limelight more than their country

The tv needs to be owned by real Americans with diverse owner ship

edit on 1-10-2012 by HiGilgamesh because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Caddell, who was a pollster for President Jimmy Carter and is now a Fox News contributor

Nothing like shouting at the corruption in media while working for the worst actors on stage.

Aim (accuracy in media) is as you have guessed, a hack neocon site (one of those websites so absurdly right that Rush Limbaugh and Bachman probably has it as their homepage)
Can't help but notice the Heritage sign in front of the podium

The heritage foundation:

The Heritage Foundation is an American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. Heritage's stated mission is to "formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense".

They are of course not so much skewed as fully lobsided in their message, intent, and ideals..but thats fine, they don't pretend to be anything outside of a right wing organization.
What bugs me about them is that they seem to be massively supported by asian donations (taiwan, korea, etc). Whom are always the big gainers in outsourcing initiatives. Heritage has a lot of power, they influence both the media and washington right.

Anyhow, more and more people are using news now not as the end all/be all, but rather for suggestions on what to search for. The big players may own the media..but the internet checks the top guys and reveals the truth fairly quickly.

+So, there you have it. a fox contributor talking at a hack website conference hall funded by a right wing puppet organization. Yep..surely the truth will be said here.

edit on 30-9-2012 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

Thankyou... I was thinking the exact same thing! I thought it very odd when i saw the Heritage Logo!
I'll say this for the media though in the past 2 years they have started to tell bit's of truth mixed with
alot of rhetoric! I think that's cause they have such a low believal rating and they are so desperate to
get an audience who will believe them! I don't think it's working though cause there are many conservatives
that just a few years ago would not believe a thing i would tell them but today they are alot more unsure of themselves and find much of what i say possible! Maybe in another 4 years people will finally demand change with extreame prejudice! Though we are a far way off from any real positive change! God help us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
everything is becoming extreme - so it can get noticed in our digitally saturated world

they are all going howard stern on us

should have seen it coming

Don't insult one of my heroes, Howard Stern like that. At least Howard Stern tell the truth as he sees it, and has always done so. Even when he's been misguided on some things like supporting Obama, he's always honest.

Comparing Howard Stern to the brainwashing media is extremely enrageing to me. It's like saying Ron Paul is just another politician.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by ~Vixen~
Maybe it's just me, but I thought that most "aware" individuals knew how destructive the media was.

Do yourselves a favor, call your cable company, and cancel your TV service. Unplug yourselves from the propaganda, and seek truth from the plethora of online venues. I did so several years ago, and I swear it was the most positive step I've ever made in my life, and in the lives of my family.

If you think the internet is any different than tv your brain is permanently fried..It's all peoples opinions and speculations..Just because it's on the internet it's gotta be true, right?

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by PvtHudson

Originally posted by SaturnFX
+So, there you have it. a fox contributor talking at a hack website conference hall funded by a right wing puppet organization. Yep..surely the truth will be said here.

Care to address anything he said? Why is the media silent on the fact our Ambassador didn't have adequate security, but Valerie Jarrett had an expensive secret service detail? You're telling me the media wouldn't have jumped on something like that had a Republican been president? It's a pretty severe lapse in judgement on the part of Obama.

Do you have anticking to say about what was said in the video, or are you just here to deflect for the Obama information ministry?

are you flipping kidding after the silence about 911? how they helped fan the flames against saddam? -- give us a break on that line.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by ouvertaverite
are you flipping kidding after the silence about 911? how they helped fan the flames against saddam? -- give us a break on that line.

You know why right? How old are you? Remember the Clinton administration? He was saying all the same ting Bush said in the run up to war. He basically used Clinton's arguments. Hillary Clinton joined Bush and the Democrats in calling for an invasion of Iraq. So basically, the media had to go along with it. It wasn't until democrats started decrying the war they voted for that the media turned against it.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 03:43 PM
First of all, I never said any mainstream media was great, what you call Liberal media is largely fluff and distraction... they are all corporate owned and they say what they're told to say. There are news programs that I find to represent the fluff of both sides like Meet the Press and all the other Sunday political shows. No MSM outlet is going to be hard hitting, you have to dig deeper for that and whether it is truth or not I guess you have to go on intuition.


FOX... no, never and from what I have read and watched with my two and eyes and digested with my own moderately intelligent brain is that most Right Wing media is the same, sensationalized garbage and lies and that would be because the GOP itself which directs the tone of their media mouth pieces are complete garbage and liars.

You did provide some MSM lies that I can't refute, notably the Jared Loughner nightmare. It was most definitely wrong to associate him with the Tea Party... but that is a goal the government and media always seek, to tie anything that speaks of change to something radical and dangerous, they have done so with Occupy too though, not to nearly the degree the Right Wing Media has.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
First of all, I never said any mainstream media was great, what you call Liberal media is largely fluff and distraction... they are all corporate owned and they say what they're told to say.

I call it the Democrat media, which is way more accurate.

There are news programs that I find to represent the fluff of both sides like Meet the Press

Meet the press is one of the most biased shows out there. They deflect and cover for Democrats/Obama and focus like a laser on anything negative about Republicans. It happens every Sunday. IF you want to actually see for yourself:

FOX... no, never and from what I have read and watched with my two and eyes and digested with my own moderately intelligent brain is that most Right Wing media is the same, sensationalized garbage and lies and that would be because the GOP itself which directs the tone of their media mouth pieces are complete garbage and liars.

You keep saying this as if it's fact, when its really just your opinion as a left winger. I don't watch Fox (or any MSM), but I find that left wingers HATE Fox, but will always make excuses for their left wing, sensationalized garbage. Say what you will about Fox, they employ liberals and give them a say. Good luck finding ANYONE right leaning on any other network. It's all lock step liberal Democrats spewing propaganda from the white house.

they have done so with Occupy too though, not to nearly the degree the Right Wing Media has.

You keep saying "the right wing media", but the right wing only has Fox. The left wing has a dozens networks, Hollywood and most print media. Also, the MSM defended and promoted Occupy.

All the MSM (minus fox) has shown open support for OWS. Here are some examples:

ABC News:

CBS News:



Now how did these same networks treat the tea party?

edit on 2-10-2012 by PvtHudson because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by buster2010
reply to post by PvtHudson

Congrats, you fell for a common Democrat political ploy. Put spending on pet projects and controversial issues within bills like this one, so that Republicans take heat for *GASP*, not helping the troops! It's also an example of how the media is complicit in their tactics.

That's because the republicans weren't helping the troops. How many stories were there about how family had to pay for a son's or daughters body armor because it wasn't provided for them. How soldiers were sent into the field without the proper equipment. And how many times were they even mentioned at the RNC.

If you have the time here's a good video to watch about FOX.

edit on 30-9-2012 by buster2010 because: (no reason given)

I think that`s a brilliant video.
I watched it some time last year and showed it to a couple of my mates.

It blew their minds as they didn`t have a clue how the media works.

Thanks for posting.

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