Good post tracehd1.
People are using the CPS as one would have used the gestapo. They don't like something and they turn you in. The CPS has the power to take your
children away and put them in the system. To a parent that is very, very scary. People can lie to CPS can get away with it because they are a
"concerned" citizen.
So you want to be a "hover" parent? You want to let your children explore the world with your rules and your guidance? That is your prerogative.
As long as you don't beat your children and you love them and they know it, more power to you. There are many different parenting styles and thank
goodness for that because not one child is like the next and not one parent is like the next. Similar, yes but not just like it with the same life
Let's stop and think for a moment, CPS. Child Protective Service.
How well are they truly protecting our children when 1 out of every children go to bed hungry?
With 17 million children going hungry in the U.S., Al Roker says it's time to act
When 1 out 50 children are homeless.
To me, that is way unacceptable. There is no protection going on.
Listen, I worked at a major Children's Hospital for 5 years. I've seen true child abuse. It is ugly and wrong. I've seen it when it is Parents,
Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Siblings and yes, Foster Parents.
Foster Parent's are when CPS says that you are not able to take care of your children, so they take them away from you and put them with a "checked
out" family to keep them safe. There are few and fare between good foster families out there. Good foster families do exist, please don't get me
wrong. But once again, they are ruled by CPS and can have a child that they love and care for ripped away from them at any moment for any reason.
Have the guts, if you have an issue with they way a parent is parenting to go up and talk with them, leave them a note. Something!
You don't have to be confrontational, not at all. You get more with honey than you do with vinegar.
Talk with the parent or the child. To the parent, "I was so scared yesterday. I thought so and so was going into the street on his big wheel." To
the child, "I get very scared when it looks like your going to go into the street. You could get hurt."
Just think, the next time someone has an issue with you and/or your children just one little call could mess your children's life up, forever.