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another Texas Chupacabra?

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posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 10:06 AM

Local animal experts are having a hard time identifying a strange looking animal killed in Angelina County on Friday -- an animal that looks eerily similar to the as yet unidentified "Elmendorf Beast" killed near San Antonio earlier this year. "What is that?" are the first words out of anyone's mouth when shown photos of the animal, according to Stacy Womack. Womack -- who has more than 20 years experience working at Ellen Trout Zoo and for a local veterinarian -- said she's seen and handled a lot of different animals, but that she's never seen anything like this one. "It's not a dog," she said. "I'd bet my lottery ticket on that." The animal's blue-grey skin is almost hairless and appears to be covered with mange. A closer look at the animal's jaw line reveals a serious overbite and four huge canine teeth, and a long, rat-like tail curls behind the animal's emaciated frame. The animal was shot and killed shortly before noon Friday after crawling under her mother's house in Pollok.

heres the rest

It looks a lot like that thing that was runnin around maryland. They say its unidentifiable

[edit on 16-10-2004 by phantompatriot]

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 01:56 PM
Already posted a few threads down,


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