posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:02 PM
To answer your last question first. The difference between blue and yellow corn chips is the variety of corn they are made from. There is actually a
blue variety.
Now,"what is a healthy corn chip"; it is an oxymoron. Considering the invasion of GMO pollen into non GMO crops being grown down wind from the GMO
crop, more and more of the non GMO corn crops are showing up with at least traces of GMO DNA. The genie is out of the bottle and we may already be too
late to stuff it back in before it does major damage to the people who eat this poison.
One of the agribusiness giants, I think it was Monsanto, was growing a GMO corn crop for seed corn near an organic farmers fields of corn. One of the
things they do as part of the GMO modifications is to de-tassel the corn stalks before the tassels release their pollen. Then they take pollen
collected from another variety (it does not take much the way they introduce it) to pollinate the GMO crop.
It turns out that Monsanto was very careless in transporting the tassels from one or the other in open bed trucks past the organic farmers fields. As
a result the organic farmers corn had GMO DNA in it. So Monsanto took him to court and sued to have the organic farmer destroy his entire crop of corn
without compensation for "patent violation". The court actually upheld Monsanto's claim and the farmer lost his whole years worth of profit. Hey, do
you think Monsanto "bought" a judge.
If you look for it there is already a very good thread here on ATS about new long term studies showing the GMO foods are very dangerous causing
tumors, organ failures and much more.
edit on 25-9-2012 by happykat39 because: Typos and added last paragraph.