posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 08:59 AM
As A kid growing up here in north Texas I can remember catching horntoads to play with, and watching the hundreds of toad frogs at night under street
lights eating there fill of june bugs. That was 30 years ago, the horntoads just vanished over night it seems like and I rarely ever see a toad frog
anymore.. It's something I really never thought of much, just blamed it on the fire ants that have overtaken this part of the country..
Yesterday I was reading the local newspaper and came across a artical about "Amphibian Decline" then I came home and googled it,, seems like this is
world wide and very serius.. So I thought I would post about here cause there are people from all over the world here and see what you guys think..
Have you seen any frogs lately?