posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 05:36 PM
A few years ago, while driving home after dark (we live in a very rural area) I saw lights very similar to the Phoenix lights.
A neighbor assured me they were military flares. However, thanks to the UFO Hunters series that showed pictures of military flares, I am fully
convinced that what I saw was not flares, military or otherwise.
The lights were all in a vertical row, which was slightly curved. My husband, our daughter and I were in the car and we all saw the lights.
Unfortunately my husband would not stop the car so we could investigate.
Another sighting of a strange object ocurred while we were driving home. It was a spherical object and could have been a balloon of some sort.
However, it did not move in any direction the whole forty five minutes we saw it. I believe it had to be in the atmosphere because, as the sun went
down it seemed to disappear.
It seems weird stuff is still happening in New Mexico where we live.