posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:34 AM
Teachers are only allowed to teach certain things that are chosen by the heads of the field they are in. They cannot teach things that are against
the leaders of the field without repercussions. As an example, Geologists are trained to comply with the ethics and consensus of the other geologists
following a discipline. The creators of this science are the mining industry who formed all the rules. They formed most of the laws with their
contributions to governments and the tax paying jobs they create. Only recently have laws governing environmental concerns been passed. This is an
example of just one field of science, they all have their own little stories. I think mining is necessary but I think that fixing environmental
problems should be taken care of evenly on a global scale so everyone has the same environmental costs. This way polluters won't have an advantage.
You can't dig in the earth without causing a little pollution, reasonable amounts are acceptable.
Teachers used to teach for the satisfaction of helping others and their salaries were low. People often returned the favor by helping them with food
and supplies. Now adays teachers want big money and benefits greater than the general public. They have strict "No child left behind" guidelines.
Their jobs are far from the prestigious jobs they once had. Half the people in town don't like the way they now teach their young. How depressing,
many have sold their soul for more money. Many new teachers are not paid well either, almost starving when they first start because they often are
part time for years and have college loans to repay. Something needs to be done but I don't know what.