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Police trespasses and kills owners dog.

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posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 08:28 AM
Eldorado, Illinois is about 30 minutes from my home..last night on the local news they had a story about a cop trespassing on private property and shooting the owners dog. The dog was killed over a wrong address. The cop was supposedly investigating a stolen ladder. When the cop went to the back of the house and knocked on the door he said the German Shepard (on lead) pounced at him and that is when he shot the dog dead. Come to find out he didn't even have the correct address.

I remember seeing other post on here about dog shootings..and I now know they occur quite often..but it is still a horrible thing..especially if the dog was provoked and it was on private property..terrible..

WSIL News 3 video link

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 08:32 AM
Must have been the mayors ladder.

Imagine something so stupid causing all that pain, loss and heartache.

Idiot cops.

Other cop "shoots dog" stories from the past 24 hours:

Family awarded compenstion for dog shot by officer
Georgia Officer shoots, kills family pet
"Agressive" dog shot in parking lot by officer

Everyday my inbox fills with these stories.
edit on 20-9-2012 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 08:53 AM
Wow, gorgeous, dog.

Gawd forbid a dog protect his house, why didn't the stupid officer knock on the door first rather then jumping right in and going to the backyard first.

This whole thing could be avoided.

1) If he went to the right address, [grant we all make mistakes]
2) Talking with possible suspects first.


posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 09:03 AM
Yay. Another dog-killer cop proves that he is a moron.

GPS? Duh.

Computers in the cars, I am guessing that there was a cell phone on his belt with a GPS app.... and he can't get the address right.

I wonder if he will get a raise for his heroic act of family pet slaying? You know that he won't be fired, or even reprimanded, for that matter.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Manhater

Gawd forbid a dog protect his house, why didn't the stupid officer knock on the door first rather then jumping right in and going to the backyard first.

This whole thing could be avoided.

1) If he went to the right address, [grant we all make mistakes]
2) Talking with possible suspects first.


Cops dont do that stuff anymore. They just wander wherever they want to whenever they want to and they cant talk to anyone because they are trained to simply nod their head and ignore us because all we do is lie.

There is a lot of death and pain over the past decades that could have been prevented if cops just double checked addresses and talked to people. They're not likely to return to real policing anytime soon.

That Empire State shooting last month is a perfect example. Rather than toss a jacket on and walk up behind the suspect who wasnt shooting anyone at the time they decided to go all action movie and endanger the lives of everyone on the street with a hail of gunfire.

Non-violent investigations are now done with fully geared up SWAT teams as a regular policy all over the country.

It wont be long before every traffic stop is you being pulled through your car window and cuffed while the officers boot crushes the back of your head into the pavement. Then, once you're sufficiently bloodied and frightened they'll hand you a ticket for that cracked taillight cover.
edit on 20-9-2012 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 09:08 AM
I don't know what the heck is going on with so many police officers shooting dogs these days. Where I live the police are pretty cool about dogs. Last few times I had dealings with the police all they did was ask if my pitbull bites. Both times I told them only if you try to hurt me. They didn't even ask me to put my dog up, and they were comfortable being around my dog.

All I can figure is maybe these officers who just immediately shoot dogs are either scared of dogs (maybe they've been attacked before) or maybe they've never owned dogs of their own. Guess I should be glad the cops around here are dog owners too!

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 11:56 AM
Ok, this is just ridiculous!!!
Not only was the dog in its own yard, it was chained up?
That officer has absolutely NO excuse!

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 12:26 PM
yet another cop who is paid to uphold the law, who breaks the law. there are a lot of issues with these stories as of lately. some will say that this stuff has always happened, and that its just being reported more now. I honestly wonder, that if there is some kind of conciousness shift happening, that if those that are currently in a lower vibrational state, will de-volve to an even lower state, and all of these animal shootings and assaults on people will progress into straight out maniacal , evil acts on others, which will make the stuff happening now seem like pillow fights.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 08:55 PM
I wonder what will happen when a police officer tresspasses on the wrong property and ends up killed. In todays world a jury may even find justice in that. I would not let a police officer enter my property unlawfully. I'm sure the officer will not be punishe an this crap will continue. I'm sure by next week we will hear another similar story. Too ba the dog didn't rip his crotch out before he got shot eh.

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 07:11 AM
Something occurred to me last night when the dog poked his head up from a deep sleep to the sound of several deer running through the yard.

What if these stories of trespassing and wrong-address cops arent indicative of stupid cops or failed map reading skill but actually an indication of cops doing what they always do just happening to get caught.

What if all across America it's SOP for cops to just wander wherever they want whenever they want?
There could be cops walking through your yard right now. Opening gates or jumping fences just because they feel like it without any warrant or justification.

It's only occasionally that they get caught in the act.

They way their departments seem so nonchalant about these situations is a tell. As if it never crossed anyones mind that a cop walking through your private property or snooping around your shed, garage, home or peeping in your windows in the middle of the night could be less than righteous.

People dont cross fences or wander onto property unless they either have honestly no idea the property is off-limits which happens in rural areas and on properties that border national forests or they feel entitled or justified in doing so.

So why do so many cops apparently feel entitled to do so and why do the departments of these cops apparently share that sentiment?

How long has this been SOP for cops?

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Ok, along that train of thought, would it make any difference if we all put no trespassing signs on our properties?
If they then came on our property and shot our dogs/injured one of us, would we have more recourse against them?

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

How long has this been SOP for cops?

I remember seeing them doing it on the TV show 'Cops' back in 1989.

I think they have been doing it for a long, long time. Now that they have made it a habit to shoot family pets in the process, people notice it a little more.

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by chiefsmom
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Ok, along that train of thought, would it make any difference if we all put no trespassing signs on our properties?
If they then came on our property and shot our dogs/injured one of us, would we have more recourse against them?

Good question.

I know when hunting any property that isnt explicitly posted "no hunting" or "no trespassing" is fair game as long as all other laws are followed like distance from buildings, shooting across paths of travel, etc...

Assuming they can even be held to that standard then posting "no trespassing" signs could make all the difference in the world.

Given all the nonsense they do daily and get away with I doubt they would be held to that standard though.

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 08:33 AM
Pigs do what pigs do, and that's kill, usually.

Never call them. Never trust them. And never talk to them unless you absolutely have to. They are scum. Fact.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Empire State building is a poor example. Those cops there have always been known to be bad.

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