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Muslim Rage: Over 50 killed in 30-nation Islamic protest wave

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posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 10:47 PM
The number of dead over an amateur film deriding Islam is now more than 50 - one week since protests began.

The latest victims, a day after protests about the film across Kabul, were a dozen foreign people - killed instantly when an Afghan suicide bomber rammed a car full of explosives into their minibus.

The protests have been spreading, springing up in more than 30 countries in just one week.

These protests that have erupted due to Muslims being offended over a video follow in the wake of Muslims rioting world-wide in 2005 due to Muslims being offended by a Danish Cartoon.

The Danish Cartoon riots resulted in at least 139 people killed and 832 injured (Link). The cartoonists live under death thread.

It would appear that there is no compromise with many Muslims.

edit on 19-9-2012 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 11:01 PM
I think the thing to realize is this - in many of these countries, religious belief is so tightly entwined in their culture and daily life, that it's almost all their know.

They will listen to their Iman talk about taking to the streets, and will be caught up in the tide of emotion - it's almost like chinese whispers. It self propogates, and manifests itself into a strong outpouring of emotion.

They live in a different world - not better or worse than ours in the west - but it is different, hence the reaction is something we can't understand.

Again, not saying it's right; the violence is wrong, and is a disgrace.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by ExCommando
I think the thing to realize is this - in many of these countries, religious belief is so tightly entwined in their culture and daily life, that it's almost all their know.

They will listen to their Iman talk about taking to the streets, and will be caught up in the tide of emotion - it's almost like chinese whispers. It self propogates, and manifests itself into a strong outpouring of emotion.

They live in a different world - not better or worse than ours in the west - but it is different, hence the reaction is something we can't understand.

Again, not saying it's right; the violence is wrong, and is a disgrace.

I don't know either mate. But I do know that the "West" (loosely put) should not have to give our rights to freedom of speech (no matter how stupid the speech or video is) just because these extremists (not all Muslims) go into violent rages and shutting us up is the "easy alternative" rather than getting them to give up their violent ways

It's a hard one
edit on 19-9-2012 by phatpackage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 11:18 PM
They need to get over it.

We as society need to stand up to these punks.
People know it's wrong to attack freedom. It's not something you learn it's just something you know.

I say we protest the protesters. (a.k.a. terrorists.)

On Friday September 21st at 12:12 pm sound off at ATS.

(don't know why just because.)


posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by cavalryscout
They need to get over it.

We as society need to stand up to these punks.
People know it's wrong to attack freedom. It's not something you learn it's just something you know.

I say we protest the protesters. (a.k.a. terrorists.)

On Friday September 21st at 12:12 pm sound off at ATS.

(don't know why just because.)


So an eye for an eye? The whole world will be blind soon.

It's not as easy as "they are wrong, we are right"

Or "we shouldn't have to change our ways for them!"

It's about realising that the world is pretty much divided between Muslims and Christians (add into the Christian mix the non believers etc).

We need to appreciate that they are a MASSIVE part of the world, and if they are insulted by movies and pictures of their most revered figurehead, then we SHOULD NOT draw pictures and make fun of their most revered figurehead. End of story.

Yes, the civil libitarians will have a field day with this, saying it's not right, and it's not fair - the world is not fair. We do need to live in it tho.
edit on 19-9-2012 by ExCommando because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by ExCommando

and if they are insulted by movies and pictures of their most revered figurehead, then we SHOULD NOT draw pictures and make fun of their most revered figurehead. End of story.

It would be the end of story if all the extremists around the world stop the "anti west" rhetoric. Example, The stupid child in Sydney who advocated Jihad. Another is the watering down of our values like Christmas because it offends them to see the decorations when they proudly demonstrate their faith with the clothes they wear, which is fair enough if the other side is paid the same courtesy. But no

It is not the "end of story" until they accept the rest of world. I can accept them only if they can accept me for being a Non follower of a mainstream religion and stop with the threats, attitude and rhetoric. Roughly, 1 billion muslims 3 billion other. 3/4 should not have to bow down to one quarter.

I cannot accept any aspect of Sharia law in my country in any capacity. We must all have equality under one law. Not exceptions to others. There is a push to make blasphemy to Islam (not all religions) illegal worldwide.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by ExCommando

your signature really contridicts your viewpoint on this issue.
I have a question for you (and no I don't know the answer) : which is worse- someone who expresses themselves in an idiotic way, or someone who murders people for expressing themselves in idiotic ways

I believe as Americans we should keep our first ammendment rights- you know it was added to our constitution to protect unpopular ideas. popular ideas don't need protecting.
we have lost our sixth ammendment right due to NDAA, it sounds like your willing to give up the first one too.

As for me, I will die before I give up the first 2 ammendments...but that's just me

oh.. i just realized youre not an American..sorry.that means i really don't care what you think.
edit on 20-9-2012 by riffraff because: thought i was replying to someone who loved freedom

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by ExCommando

We need to appreciate that they are a MASSIVE part of the world, and if they are insulted by movies and pictures of their most revered figurehead, then we SHOULD NOT draw pictures and make fun of their most revered figurehead. End of story.

Is this sentence logically different?

We need to appreciate that they are a MASSIVE part of the world, and if they are insulted by women in short skirts, eating pork, and worshipping Jesus, then we should not allow short skirts, pork, and Christianity. End of story.

Will you tell us what rights we should try to keep after we give up free speech? Where do we stop?

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by ExCommando

We need to appreciate that they are a MASSIVE part of the world, and if they are insulted by movies and pictures of their most revered figurehead, then we SHOULD NOT draw pictures and make fun of their most revered figurehead. End of story.

Is this sentence logically different?

We need to appreciate that they are a MASSIVE part of the world, and if they are insulted by women in short skirts, eating pork, and worshipping Jesus, then we should not allow short skirts, pork, and Christianity. End of story.

Will you tell us what rights we should try to keep after we give up free speech? Where do we stop?

Don't put words in my mouth.

I'm saying some retarded American made a movie which insulted a large group of people - which has resulted in deaths.

Are they right in doing this? Of course not, and I emphatically made that statement, to ensure that thick headed people wouldn't jump to the conclusion that I am pro-sharia law.

I am simply saying that I think "freedom of speech" has been taken to the nth degree - to the point where people go out of their way to insult sensitive issues, knowing the ramifications, simply so they can "express their freedom of speech".

It's ridiculous.

It's the same as a child taking a stick and smashing a hornets nest, and then saying "Well I have the liberty to do this because I have freedom of action", whilst crying to his parents that he has been stung.

We need to unwrap the sugar coated reality; actions have consequences.

I need to PUT THIS IN CAPS so my message is clear; I do not believe that the consequences are right. I do not believe that violence is the answer.

I was on the ground in 2001, side by side with American troops - I was one of the first on the ground in Afghanistan. I would hope that noone would question my loyalty to our way of life, because nothing could be further from the truth.

However, I am a realist, and I know that an eye for an eye doesn't work - violence does not work.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by riffraff
reply to post by ExCommando

your signature really contridicts your viewpoint on this issue.
I have a question for you (and no I don't know the answer) : which is worse- someone who expresses themselves in an idiotic way, or someone who murders people for expressing themselves in idiotic ways

I believe as Americans we should keep our first ammendment rights- you know it was added to our constitution to protect unpopular ideas. popular ideas don't need protecting.
we have lost our sixth ammendment right due to NDAA, it sounds like your willing to give up the first one too.

As for me, I will die before I give up the first 2 ammendments...but that's just me

oh.. i just realized youre not an American..sorry.that means i really don't care what you think.
edit on 20-9-2012 by riffraff because: thought i was replying to someone who loved freedom

And therein lies the problem.

Big headed, egotistical Americans such as yourself.

My views don't matter?

Funny that; seeing as I was side by side with your countries finest troops in response to the attacks at 9/11 - I spent almost a year in that god forsaken country, and still count those men as some of my closest friends.

You may think you are a law and a nation to yourself, and noone elses views count - but I would then argue that you run the risk of entering the slippery slope of becoming a nation of tyrant, unwilling or unable to listen to the views of your brothers in arms.

And that, my friend, is a terrible position to be in.

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