posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 12:13 PM
1.) 1st trumpet - physical and metaphorical. As a result of the first 4 trumpets sounding this trumpet is fully fulfiled. It represents all the
"green grass" (economy) be burned up (greek word = totally consumed), this trumpet sounded in the fall of 2008 and has been continuosly occuring
since then. It also represents drought and the destruction of all crops, eventually leading to global food conflicts. When it is fulfilled the
US/UK/Australia/NZ/Canada/South Africa/Israel (i.e. the Nations of Israel) will have collapsed as world powers and their economies destroyed. Again
this trumpet continues on through the first 4 and does not fully come to fruition until after the first 4 trumpets sounded and as a result of them.
2.) 2nd Trumpet - physical. This trumpet is a small scale nuclear multiple cites simultaneous strike buy Islam against the nations of Israel, and
specifically the United States. The "mountain" (governement/nation/country) "on fire" (angry/wrathful/vengeful) is Iran and specifically the
leadership of Iran and their plan to ushur in the 12 imam. This attack occurs on the same day in multiple port cites in the US and possibly
UK/Canada. This is the trumpet that propels all others to fruition.
3.) 3rd Trumpet - physical. The details of this trumpet have not yet been revealed to God through His prophets, but it involves a nuclear exchange
resulting in 1/3rd of the light from the sun and moon to not reach the Earth's surface, this drops global temperatures and further fulfills the 1st
trumpet as a result. Personally I feel this is a US strike in retaliation to the 2nd trumpet attack against her, but that is from me, not revealed by
4.) 4th Trumpet - physical. The details of this trumpet have not yet been revealed by God through His prophets, but it is the straw that breaks the
camels back. After this event occurs the US/UK/Canada/NZ/Australia/SA/Israel will collapse as global players/forces. The result of all 4 trumpets
sounding is the fulfillment of the 1st trumpet... total economic and social collapse, with in the nations of Israel. Personnally I feel this is an
EMP strike over the US/UK alliance nations (by China/Russia) to stop the excessive use of nuclear weapons in retaliation due to the nuclear winter
type of result that is taking place (1/3rd of the sun not reaching the Earth), but this is just me, not revealed by God.
5.) 5th Trumpet - physical and spiritual. As a result of the first 4 trumpets sounding the greatest military and economy the world has ever known is
removed as a global player. This results in a power void and subsequent vacuum in the political realm. A group forms in order to fill the void. A
group that already has the ground work in place (because of the 1st trumpet and economic collapse). 10 nations in the former Roman Empire will come
together one last time in a loose alliance thrown together quickly due to the first 4 trumpets. Germany will once again be the focal point of this
power (as they were in WW1 and WW2, which were the last 2 times this Beast governemt appeared). They will use the military power cloaked under NATO
to attempt to mold mankind into their vision of a future. That is the physical. The spiritual involves Satan and his army of demon appearing on the
Earth to deceive the masses into turning away from the laws of God. Their deception does not affect God's true servants because they hold onto the
truths of God, but those who are not living the truth of God will be deceived by it. Aliens are demons, you do not have to beleive this for it to be
true, and at a certain moment in time Satan and his host will be allowed by God to manifest physically as beings from another star system. They will
attempt to convince mankind they are both the creators of us (usurping God's title as creator) and saviors of us in this time of turmoil (usurping
the title of Jesus Christ). Their torment will be spiritual (in the mind) which is why they cannot kill, only torment. These EU nations are the
Beast governemt in Revelation and the 7th and final revival of the Holy Roman Empire.
6.) The 6th Trumpet - physical. In opposition to the unexpected power play in Europe an Asiatic alliance of formed, between primarily China and
Russia. This is the Dragon governement in Revelation and they rise to stop Europe's conquest and power grab. This army will be responsible for the
death of over 2 billion when they begin useing their nuclear stocks to force Europe to it's knees. These 2 forces are the sides fighting in
Armegeddon, and this WW3 will last up until the final 24 hour day within the current day of the Lord we are living in today.
7.) The 7th Trumpet - physical and spiritual. Jeus Chirst and His saints manifest physically and put an end to the destruction of the Beast and
Dragon. All 7 vials are poured out duing this 24 hour day, as God brings an end to mankinds self rule and the begins the rule of the kingdom of God
on Earth.