posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 11:27 PM
Wow, This thread is interesting. I live in Mt Pleasant S.C., Its a suburb of Chas. (about 5 mi. away).
About 2 weeks ago I was crabbing with my "man"friend (he wasnt really crabbing, more of sitting, daydreaming.) It was about 6-6:30 pm. When he said,
LOOK, I think I just saw a UFO. I should add, he doesnt believe in any of that stuff. I on the other hand, do. Im always searching the sky hoping to
get a glimpse of something.
Naturally, I thought he was just messing with me (he likes to do that). He said, No, REALLY, Look! Its behind that cloud. I will also add that he
knows nothing about UFOs hiding out in clouds etc. Actually, he really doesnt know anything about the subject & doesnt want too. I think if something
scares you or makes you uncomfortable, its easier not to acknowledge it.
I put my stuff down, sat down & started really studying the sky, more particularly, that huge cloud. He said, he thinks he saw about half of it. It
was cigar shaped (again, he would have no idea to use that term), & that the whole side of it come out of the cloud for a brief second the went back
in. He said it was silver and much, much larger than a plane. He didnt see any wings either, it had a smooth surface.
The cloud was just about directly overhead. There were other clouds but not many and not touching each other. He kept saying, its got to be gone.
Theres no way it would still be there. But where did it go?? It couldnt have flown out without us seeing it.(also add that the cloud was large cigar
shaped too.) I told him, NO, Its still in there! We watched it for about an hr. and never saw anything else.
So, there ya have it. I wanted to share this little bit, maybe to help the credibility of other posters.