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The Romney Unit writes off half the USA

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posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by buster2010

Oh. You mean the shovel ready jobs that weren't quite as shovel ready as Obozo thought?
Name one job he has tried to create that was stopped by the Republicans.
How about that bridge in Texas that used Chinese workers.?
How about General Electric sending jobs to China by his major contributor?
General Motors? They are still running in the red because this administration will not let them buy back their stocks. They are losing $45,000 dollars per electric car sold because Our Dear Leader insisted on those cars.
Is this who you really want running this country?

Obama's goal is to create a welfare state to stay in power.
He is taking from one group and buying another.
That is the only reason this imposter will remain in office.
It's not just about share the wealth. It's about sharing the success without sharing the risk.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by olaru12

Lol...bait and switch?
Is the thread about corporations?
I will answer your off topic post with a few questions of my own.........
Do corporations vote?
How many jobs would there be without corporations?
Would you rather give them subsidies or see them go elsewhere?


posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by buster2010

Were you asleep for the first two years he was in office? Democrats had all the power.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Quadrivium
reply to post by buster2010

Were you asleep for the first two years he was in office? Democrats had all the power.

No they did not.

Why do you right wingers have to lie so much in order to make your case?
If you have to make crap up, you must be wrong.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by wascurious

When he was elected, who had control of the senate? Democrats

Who had contol of the house? Democrats

What party was he aligned with? Democrates

When did the democrates lose the house? Nov. 2010

When did the republicans actually take over the house? Jan. 2011

Jan. 09' to Jan. 11' would be 2 years.

Think for yourself.


posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by nuclear12346

Originally posted by nuclear12346
And when you finally do somehow reach the age of retirement, don't come banging on my door asking for a government handout. You should get zero, nada, zip for voting for this guy. You literally should have a condition attached to your ballot saying you get no federal assistance in any way by voting for him for the rest of your life.

It's already well known most people 35 or under won't get any benefits from the government when they retire. The money is going to be gone, even tho we are still required to pay into it.

Both of these clowns are just different sides of the same coin.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by Quadrivium
reply to post by wascurious

When he was elected, who had control of the senate? Democrats

Who had contol of the house? Democrats

What party was he aligned with? Democrates

When did the democrates lose the house? Nov. 2010

When did the republicans actually take over the house? Jan. 2011

Jan. 09' to Jan. 11' would be 2 years.

Think for yourself.


He had a fillibuster proof majority for TWO MONTHS. That is it. After that the Republicans broke the record on filibusters STOPPING THE DEMOCRATIC HOUSE.

Maybe you should try thinking for yourself but use some information and facts, not right wing radio talking points.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by wascurious


Where were you at during the ENTIRE healthcare debate?
How do you think it got passed? It's called Reconciliation.
They used it on the healthcare bill to get it sent to the senate without a possible republican filibuster.

They were in power for two years. I know it might be hard to accept but it's true.

The reconciliation package, which fixes issues House Democrats had with the bill, will be voted on next. The reconciliation bill avoids a Republican filibuster.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by SuperTripps
he is just telling the truth.

You obviously need someone to teach you what truth means.
Rmoney is right?
Find the numbers and prove it!

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 09:18 AM
Oh, oh, the GOP's Southern Strategy, plus Idaho, are the top ten non-payers.

Mitt, you're attacking the very people you rely on to give you their votes, so you and your fellow GOP in Congress and the Supreme Court can gain power to pass laws/judge cases on behalf of corporations and your have-mores.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 09:28 AM
The world has been screaming for politicians to tell the truth for centuries. How ironic that when one tells the truth he is vilified for it.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Gridrebel
Yeah, let's all jump on Mitt, instead of being aghast at the true picture. That there ARE 47% of the people dependant on the government is the true disgrace. But way to play it off.

No, see, that's not an issue, because IT'S NOT TRUE. Does ignorance know no bounds here on ATS?

That 47% he talks about are made up MOSTLY of RETIRED PEOPLE, active duty Military, and the working poor.

That's why this whole thing is disgusting, because mittens is full of chit, and YOU people are buying his crap hook line and sinker. 47% of people are NOT moochers. Are active duty military moochers? Are retired people moochers? Are the working poor moochers?

The working poor are the people who work long, hard hours doing jobs that NEED to be done, that add value to the economy and the country, jobs that nobody else wants to do, and they get paid a crap wage for it. They aren't moochers, they probably work harder than most people here on ATS.

The real lazy people are those who piss and moan about being bored at work, or who browse facebook all day at work. They complain they only make 60 grand a year sitting on their ass all day, while their job ads no value to the economy or the country.

I can't believe people here on ATS are being so damn stupid about it. Your being lied to, and your buying it. Shame on you.

Since you evidently need to be spoon fed I'll say it again, that 47% figure IS NOT, AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WELFARE PEOPLE OR LAZY UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE.

It's working poor, active duty military, and retired people. Those are the people that make up the vast majority of that 47% he talks about.

I'm really starting to loose faith in the intelligence of the average ATS user after reading people repeating this same garbage over and over again....

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Nite_wing
So what is the issue here?
We know that these people have written off any conservative point of view or candidate who wants to put them to work. They sound like Maynard G. Krebbs...WORK?!?!?!?
These are the people Jefferson warned us about.
They vote themselves a paycheck.
Sometimes the truth stings a bit.

Damn your ignorance is astounding.

Put them to work? What in gods name are you talking about?

You want to put the working poor to work? Even though they are already working longer, and harder hours than the majority of Americans?

You want to put active duty military back to work? Isn't active duty military considered a job?

You want to put retired people back to work? WTF? Why do you want people in their 80s re-entering the work place? They already worked all their lives, they are retired, leave them alone.

You ask what the issue here is. The issue here is massive stupidity.

I don't know how many times this has to be said, but the VAST MAJORITY of that 47% he refers to are RETIRED PEOPLE, ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY, AND THE WORKING POOR.

He is attacking those people saying they are moochers and lazy entitled do-nothings. Do you think the working poor, active military, and retired people are moochers? Lazy? Do-nothings?

The issue is that you are being lied to and obviously too lazy to look into the issue for yourself. The 47% he talks about is NOT welfare people or the unemployed, like you seem to think it is.

Get a clue....

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Quadrivium
reply to post by wascurious


Where were you at during the ENTIRE healthcare debate?
How do you think it got passed? It's called Reconciliation.
They used it on the healthcare bill to get it sent to the senate without a possible republican filibuster.

They were in power for two years. I know it might be hard to accept but it's true.

The reconciliation package, which fixes issues House Democrats had with the bill, will be voted on next. The reconciliation bill avoids a Republican filibuster.

Why are you trying so hard to be deceptive?

You can probably lie to your friends and they eat that crap up. I actually check this stuff out.
You contradict yourself anyway. Did they have control for 2 years OR have to use reconciliation for one single bill? It cannot be both.
How many bills were passed through reconciliation?
Yeah, they had control for a couple months. After that 110 filibusters stopped anything they wanted to do. Republicans even filibustered their own damn bills.

Gosh, how did they get a record number of filibusters in 2 years when the Dems had all the power? Explain that to me.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by desert
Oh, oh, the GOP's Southern Strategy, plus Idaho, are the top ten non-payers.

Mitt, you're attacking the very people you rely on to give you their votes, so you and your fellow GOP in Congress and the Supreme Court can gain power to pass laws/judge cases on behalf of corporations and your have-mores.

Unfortunately, I am looking around and all I see are retarded Tea party "keep the government away from my medicare crowd." I talked to 3 people this month that are getting some kind of public assistance be it food, energy costs, or housing and they all believe they are in Romney's 53%. They are just in a temporary setback, not lazy and looking for a handout. They hate everyone they see at the welfare office WHEN THEY GO TO GET THEIR BENEFITS. These people have no idea Romney was talking about them.

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by wascurious

I am not being deceptive, friend.
It is called "common sense".
They had the numbers in the house and senate for 2 years to pass anything they wanted.
If they used "reconciliation" once they could have again no matter what the republicans thought or wanted.
The truth is they chose not to do so but they had the power.......period.

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Quadrivium
reply to post by wascurious

I am not being deceptive, friend.
It is called "common sense".
They had the numbers in the house and senate for 2 years to pass anything they wanted.
If they used "reconciliation" once they could have again no matter what the republicans thought or wanted.
The truth is they chose not to do so but they had the power.......period.

No, you are flat out lying.
I am not sure you really understand how reconciliation works. In fact, I doubt you understand how congress and the senate work at all.

Are you going out of your way to ignore all those filibusters I showed you?
Why are you pretending they do not exist?
Because you are lying.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by Quadrivium

You seem to be forgetting the insane level of sheer hatred that Republicans have for Obama, as well as their inability to put politics aside and do something for the benefit of the country. The more I look at the Republican Party the more I wonder what the hell has happened to the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower, because they seem to have gone collectively bugnuts crazy.

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