posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 12:38 PM
An email petition is being circulated around the world asking the United States voters to reject Bush. No wonder.
The hate of some towards the USA affects the whole globe. (I said SOME, not ALL).
Indeed, it does seem that Bush considers himself self proclaimed president of the world.
Of course, the USA being so powerful in many ways, whatever it decides, does effect the whole planet. It is a huge responsability.
In the last debate, the president of this most powerful nation could not answer a simple question relating to homosexuality. "I don't know" he
said. That non answer does affect a large percentage of the global population, human beings, all.
There are other anomalies in his speeches that make you wonder about his capabilities to hold such an important position, but, that should go to
another forum.
Let us hope that sanity prevails at election time.
[edit on 17-10-2004 by John bull 1]