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The US Government Murdered Their Own Ambassador

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posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by charles1952

Yes, the link to the actual interview would be nice to support your argument. I saw one story from the WSJ that was in the last week or so....

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by freemarketsocialist

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by freemarketsocialist

The trailer was posted on YouTube two months ago. So if the Journal story was before that, I'd have to rethink my position, but I'd like to know what that interview was about. So, I'll stick with my position until you can tell me a little more. Did you find the rest of my post to be accurate?

postscript- and that was long? You have gone to more trouble with your response than I went to for the opening post.
You're quite welcome. It's for a good cause.

The interview was before the attack.

So an obscure movie is made by a pathetic small time criminal and nobody pays any attention to it. Then The Wall Street Journal gives this loser an interview because its a "hot news story"? It makes no sense. The Wall Street Journal interviewed this guy for a reason. What reason?

Can you please post a link to the actual interview? The only WSJ article I see is from a week or so ago....

If you post an argument you need to have the evidence and links that you are referring to to make your argument credible.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:08 AM
Its more likely, if you want to talk conspiracy and a plot, that the foes of the current POTUS staged this to try and make Obama look like a total fail in several ways. Just who was it that kept Momar in power for all those years? Now they are out and dont control everything that goes on over there anymore. Oil. I did hear, but just for a moment and then not again, that this had to do with new oil contracts the film being smoke screen. Anyway a close look at this could show many possible players, a web of sorts, with motives converging.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by charles1952
You're quite welcome. It's for a good cause.

Well in the bible it says join no cause but that of rightiousness, meaning feed the hungry, cloth the poor, teach the truth.

2nd..your not one of those people who work for someone and get paid to keep things in the disinfo range, you know what i mean.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 09:27 AM
People requesting the OP to do things should keep in mind that he has been banned.

Memo to the not yet banned:

As a service to yourself and your messages, which many, including me, want to hear, don't get grumpy and start fighting City Hall (if that's what happened in this case). Stay cool. Take your lumps and above all (dating myself here) "keep on truckin'".

On topic, Stevens' death is plenty suspicious. I find it a little difficult to believe that the government of the US actually set him up for assassination, but given the situation in Libya, it is not hard to believe that a plot went wrong somewhere and Stevens got caught in the jam.

Maybe one of his buddies from the "early days" in Benghazi got double crossed in some way by Uncle Sam and decided to vent.
edit on 18-9-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-9-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 10:03 AM
this type of thread is concerning.... you realize you are making it sound like its ok to brutually murder other countries ambassadors because of a stupid little movie... your ignorance is whats wrong with this world op

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 02:44 PM
Yawn yawn, contrived logic with even more contrived assumptions to back up the conspiracy that it was an inside job now that the more facts are emerging that shoot massive holes in all the conspiracies. But hey that's ATS!!

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 02:51 PM
I agree with the premise of this thread. I think its all a huge false flag to have Obama override the judge shutting down parts of the NDAA.

The moment the president has rights over the judicial, and is above the law, is the moment you've lost all hope of a democracy, for that is fascism.

No legislation is law and much of it is unlawful and illegal, for it has to stand on the backbone of the constitution.

edit on 18-9-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 03:11 PM
When it comes to character, patterns do appear. We use these patterns and subconciously test them, when the opportunity arises. It has come into focus, that the USA is a very bad actor domestically and abroad. It's not like this statement is jumping to conclusions. Much has leaked about the nefarious nature of our world, such that we "get the hang" of the USA and TPTB worldwide. They are deceptive, cruel and have no regard for human life, other than their own. They are without religion or country and greed is their primary virtue. Has anyone else been paying attention and noticed what I noticed? Those that run all countries and their masters, do so in a way that pretends to care for it's people but have other intentions. They know they must hide behind a facade of morality. Those that have a moral base, are not the same as TPTB and their minions. They don't think the same way and they are basically loving. TPTB have coercion and deception and unbelievable viciousness, where their hearts should be. They are not like us and many people fail to relate to them because they lack the same makeup. Do I believe that the USA would kill it's own people? It is a silly question because the FDA have been doing that very thing since it's inception. Has no one noticed how veterans are treated? Does anyone, who investigated 9/11, still believe it was done by a bunch of Muslims? The USA would kill it's own people if they thought they could get away with it and if it benefited some objective, consistent with some attempt at world control. The USA is at the top of the world terrorism pyramid. It is likely that they killed their Libyan ambassador because that is who the USA is.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

I can say this much. When I heard that SHTF over there in Libya . I said to myself, "they did it". Do I have any proof of it? "No". Are we going to heard anyone say that they will openly admitting it in court? No.

Can we all prove that "they were behind 9/11? No. But we know they did it and we have sources of another news sites and journalists opinion that may back up some claims but not entirely because they wouldn't know either.

The point I'm trying to make is that, everyone LIES about everything and there is no truth about anything anymore.

It takes people like you and I with normal common sense to figure out who's killing who and sometimes friend, we don't need no damn source or evidence of other peoples opinion to make those claims.

We can make decisions ourselves base on our opinions and resources that we gather. ATS is my intelligence community for my news base off what you people have learn except for those "Predictions thread" ugh, don't even get me on those but me, I love reading everyone's opinions and what they may think or know and frankly, when major stuff hits our televisions of bombing and killings, especially involves the U.S., I know in my heart that they were involve in ANYTHING.

I am no way disputing your opinion and yes it gets boring now because, no one is willing to tell the truth of what goes on in this world and if they had, our community website here wouldn't exist.

ATS is my number 1 new source and my secondary is doing my homework by searching whoever B.S. on the any websites who claims their right and wrong, and at the end of the day, we make our own decisions what we believe

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by charles1952

I agree, there is no proof, and its not clear what the OP means. I don't know what interview the OP is talking about, but I have seen the film so I can speculate what the OP was speculating. I think what he meant was this:

1. Some guy uploads an offensive video on Youtube
2. Its a crap film, so not many people actually see it in the following months
3. Times makes an interview with the author of the video
4. AP makes an interview with the author, translates it, and broadcasts it in Islamic countries
5. Islamic people get upset and start riots.

Now I don't believe that the above happened, but I think it is what the OP was trying to say. The important factor here is the interviews, the way I think it happened (Wikipedia), is that some individuals translated it and spread it around by their own means, including broadcasting segments on TV. I haven't seen any evidence for the Times or AP being involved, but if they had been the ones who suddently broadcasted it on TV in countries everyone knows its going to be taken badly, there would be something going on.


To reiterate, I think the OP was suggesting that the Times interview happened before September 11, before the video was seen by one and a half million people. But I haven't seen any evidence of the said interview. So if the OP is no longer with us, maybe someone else can clear this, or we can just ignore the whole idea and discuss something else.
edit on 18-9-2012 by salainen because: Just summarised.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by salainen

Dear salainen,

You bring up a good point. (Probably you bring up several, but there's one that jumped out at me.)

4. AP makes an interview with the author, translates it, and broadcasts it in Islamic countries
That seems to be the key, questionable step.

Sure, the CIA could have ordered it becase the American embassy was built on the intersection of three ley lines, and they needed to burn the embassy so the fire would be seen by the aliens, who would return to Earth to endorse Obama.

Or, perhaps, "Bobby, get every spare reporter we've got, even those that aren't spare, get them too. Send them to the Middle East to cover what will probably be the biggest story in the decade. Have them all set up by tomorrow, I want them to have a real jump on the competition. We'll make a million!" "Uh, sure boss, anything you say, but what's the story? There's nothing coming over the wires." "Don't worry, Bobby, there will be, just as soon as I realease this translation."

Maybe, "You released those translations? You idiot! Those were for background material for our foreign correspondents."

I wonder which it was.

With respect,

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by charles1952

You bring up a good point. (Probably you bring up several, but there's one that jumped out at me.)

4. AP makes an interview with the author, translates it, and broadcasts it in Islamic countries
That seems to be the key, questionable step.

Yeah, thats the key step, but there is no evidence to suggest thats what happened (at least from what I've seen so far).

You bring up some good possibilities, including the one on aliens (perhaps thats what 9/11 was all about? We know astronauts on the ISS could see it...).

By the way, that avatar looks like an eye to me, until I look at it closer, a nice trick photo.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 07:27 AM
What would their motivation be, to heat up Syria again? Was power transferred to the wrong parties in the Aftermath?

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
It's so obvious...your assertion in the title of this thread...that this may be the first time I've posted not to challenge a thread but to say yes...I agree.

and apparently everyone in his administration is working to cover up this crime. and when faced with testimony from people in a far better situation to recreate the event...they come up with their own opinion.

almost as if they now what happened and are covering it up.
edit on 17-9-2012 by michaelbrux because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-9-2012 by michaelbrux because: (no reason given)

MB MB MB WoW ! My thoughts exactly, but you my dear have put the entire F^%#D UP situation into the most eloquent, concise words I have ever read regarding this criminal mess. And the cover up goes on and on. I hope and pray that many many more people here in the states realize as well as you do what is going on.We must start somewhere. I for one will crawl over broken glass in a hurricane to the voting booth Nov.6. I also see blood on the MSMedias hands, they must be stopped, brought to there knee's by our wallets. I'm flustered, scared to death but the worst feeling is helplessness. I love my country, my dad was in Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The stories i heard were beyond what a young man should endure, but endure he did. My thoughts go back to him and all the others who fought and died to eradicate as best they could the evil all around them, we can't let what they did for the world to fade away in this current environment. Enuff said, I'm rambling but I promise to do all I can, whenever and wherever I can.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by sylent6

There are those on ATS, and this thread for that matter, who need the mea culpas etched in stone before they will even consider the possibilities of something other than the validity of a cover story or completely random circumstances.

What they tend to disregard is intelligence services and the like are not in the business of leaving evidence behind. They work hard at cleaning up their fingerprints. They make a living convoluting the back story.

This brings up a good argument: just because something has all the hallmarks of an operation, is it truly an operation? Cannot random circumstances just sometimes produce the same thing once in a while? Ya' know, the infinite monkey theorem and all that?

Unfortunately life does is not always provide us the luxury to suffer peer review. Walking down a dark alley at night and hearing suspicious noises behind a dumpster is not the time for the scientific process. It just may be rats and not those with malicious intent but is that really the time and place for that thought exercise? A human whose survival instincts are strong knows it is just time to get out of that alley and fast.

In this case, I KNOW no one will show up at my door with all the facts so I can smugly post away that everyone even considering lever pullers behind the curtain is crazy. Instead, I see duck tracks, I see duck s***, I see feathers, so until facts are presented otherwise, I will trust my instincts that it is a duck.

And those who tell me I am ignorant and that it is a porcupine, well....if this were that alley way, I guess Darwin would determine which was the smarter reaction. If I am wrong, no foul. If I am right and it is malicious forces, I live.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 10:59 AM

the only possible conculsion is the arab world loves the US, and would never attack an embassy

wait, what ?

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

The "only"? No one claims that.

Indeed there are issues with US foreign policy and the Arab 'street', what ever that means. Probably lots of Libyan's out protesting because of it. That and a 100 other reasons. No doubt.

To assume that is the "only" reason for the current circumstances is as vacant as claiming the CIA/Mossad/etc did the whole thing in a vacuum.

Why is it crazy to assume the local climate being what it is, was not taken advantage of by those seeking good cover? And 200 hundred armed dudes just showing up at the new digs, away from the mob just by circumstance?

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