Originally posted by Hefficide
Did they try to tackle too many problems at once, thus diluting the message?
It was an experiment, an organic movement that revolved around the problems created by economic disparity. I think there were a lot of young and
idealistic people involved, and that everyone had a different gripe. They may have all been problems that arise from the economic disparity that
plagues all of our nations, but including subjects of animal welfare, communism, education, women's rights... that's all too much for people to deal
with. They should have focused on the primary message first - that the economic disparity is a direct result of a capitalist system that has failed
because of corruption.
Originally posted by Hefficide
Did they pick a fight with a foe too large to conquer?
Partly, possibly. But there are many ways in which they could have made a greater impact. If they had focused on the primary problem of economic
collapse while these rich people are getting richer, then they would have gained a lot more support from the ignorant masses.
People don't read voluntarily, the masses are stupid. They need to be fed bite-sized chunks of truth. Occupy could have done a lot more if they
focused on one message from the start and hammered at that over and over with a consistent voice.
Originally posted by Hefficide
Were they infiltrated and misled from within?
I think they were, because we know that there were PR companies being hired by the biggest corporations and banks, using their media shills to
discredit. We also know that there were a few Republican bloggers and fanatics in there deliberately causing dissent and trying to stir up racism and
xenophobia to film for their propaganda efforts. These people were outed numerous times in various states.
Originally posted by Hefficide
Were they wrong?
No. People who are capable of reading statistics and facts know that the vast majority of the points raised by the Occupy movement are correct. This
is now being discussed more in the mainstream, and people are digging for that information themselves and actually pointing it out.
You could say that Occupy Wall Street has moved into Occupy The Media.
Originally posted by Hefficide
Were they right?
Yes. As stated, anyone who can read and investigate the facts for themselves can see that the movement was right about plenty.
Originally posted by Hefficide
Is their movement the blueprint for future forms of protest and change?
Absolutely. Occupy might have vanished from the street, but it's moved into the board rooms, the universities, collaborations, the political sphere,
the media... there are a lot of other protesting groups around the world where the views of Occupy are now echoed.
Originally posted by Hefficide
Did they accomplish anything?
Anyone who thinks they didn't, while commenting here, is an idiot. Clearly they did accomplish a great deal. Millions of people woke up to some
startling facts about corruption, failed capitalism, banking and government. If nothing else, it was shown that the police are just as corrupt as the
banksters. They are their paid goons, a private army working to protect the corporations.
There is a lot of discussion going on that would otherwise not be, if it were not for Occupy.
Originally posted by Hefficide
Did they speak for us or just for anarchy?
They spoke for me. I agree with a lot of what they protested for. The system has failed, there is a lot of corruption, our governments do not work for
us, they work for their corporate sponsors. There are a minority who just want a fight, but in the millions of people who protested, only a very tiny
minority actually caused any trouble.
Originally posted by Hefficide
Is Occupy an irrelevant historical side note or just the beginning?
It's just the beginning. As the economic collapse continues and more people are made destitute, college degrees become worthless, pensions evaporate
and the costs of living rise, more and more people will become angry at a situation they didn't cause.
We could argue that Occupy isn't responsible for future protests, but I can almost guarantee that many more protests will flourish with the idea of
Occupy behind it.
The protesters might be gone from the park in NYC, but the movement has not ended.