Its Time To Invoke The Great Ones Of Old To Lead The People
I dont know if you know about the power of group consciousness or not, humans are amazing because our spirit has been given all the realms the
universe has, to some of you this will make sense,
This post is for YOU. Spread the word on the internet.
Your great leader is late so We need to invoke him, the shepherd who leads FOR the people with Great Might, (you will know when he turns up)
Do bellow (in bold letters) as often as you can for a week then a few times a day or something (within reason, it is simple to do). Also if you do it
in sync is best so every hour on the hour with
noon California time being a good
definite group time, do it for 5 mins at the noon California time
Think this with great force in mind/spirit:
I am with The Creation and The Creation is with me, I ask My Spirit and The Creation to Invoke the Great Ones of Old so they will show The Truth to
the People.
I also want to mention we are not meant to pray to one of the gods, humans are meant to pray to their spirit and the Creation (the universe) our
spirit is real, it is the Creation, we are gods.
This is from way way back, before religion, i try and do it daily
1. My spirit, you are all-mighty.
2. Your name shall be honoured.
3. Your realm shall open (incarnate) in me.
4. Your might (might of the consciousness) shall unfold in me, on earths and in universes.
5. Give me my daily bread (love, wisdom) today so I recognise my responsibility and I recognise the truth.
6. And do not throw me into confusion and delusion, but release me from my misunderstanding.
7. For the realm, the power (power of knowledge) and the knowledge within me are yours (Universe) in eternity.
We are not meant to worship anything
We need to forgive everyone, people dont know what they are doing atm, its from religion
I know its not for everyone and i know i must respect that: either way it dosnt take long to do,its for the good and self explanatory, so please
consider. The universe is more than you could believe as you are not told the truth about anything but you think you know everything eh eh
we truly
know nothing.
Be a part of something Great for the Good, the way things are going is a concern so please give it a go for a mate downunder who
is worried about his brothers and sisters.
edit on 16-9-2012 by HiGilgamesh because: (no reason given)
edit on 16-9-2012 by
HiGilgamesh because: (no reason given)