Old Basque poem from 1963. Very well known.
written by Gabriel Aresti.
One of my favorites.
English on the right.
Nire aitaren etxea ------------------ my father's house.
defendituko dut.---------------------I will defend (from)
Otsoen kontra,----------------------- Against Wolves,
sikatearen kontra,------------------ Against Drought,
lukurreiaren kontra, ------------------ Against usury,
justiziaren kontra, ------------------ against justice,(law)
defenditu------------------ I defend
eginen dut------------------The home (of)
nire aitaren etxea. ------------------ my father's house.
Galduko ditut------------------ I will lose
aziendak, ------------------ cattle,
soloak, ------------------ orchards,
pinudiak; ------------------ the pines;
galduko ditut------------------ I will lose
korrituak, ------------------ interests,
errenteak, ------------------ rents,
interesak, ------------------ dividends,
baina nire aitaren etxea defendituko dut. ------------------ but I will defend my father's house.
Harmak kenduko dizkidate, ------------------ I will have my weapons taken
eta eskuarekin defendituko dut------------------ so with my hands I will defend
nire aitaren etxea; ------------------ my father's house.;
eskuak ebakiko dizkidate,------------------ I will have my hands cut off.
eta besoarekin defendituko dut------------------ so with my arms I will defend
nire aitaren etxea; ------------------ my father's house.
besorik gabe, ------------------I will be left
sorbaldik gabe, ------------------without arms
bularrik gabe------------------without shoulders
utziko naute, ------------------without my chest
eta arimarekin defendituko dut------------------ so with my soul I will defend
nire aitaren etxea. ------------------ my father's house.
Ni hilen naiz, ------------------I will die
nire arima galduko da, ------------------My soul will be lost
nire askazia galduko da, ------------------my descendence will be lost
baina nire aitaren etxeak------------------ but my fathers house
iraunen du------------------Will remain
zutik. ------------------standing
edit on 15-10-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)