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Muslims protest in Sydney, Australia

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posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by SageBeno
It is the Extremists with the beheading beliefs that SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED IN OUR COUNTRY.

I dont hate muslims, I hate The Extremists like that. If you want to have that belief, fair enough a right is a right, but DONT have such beliefs in a country that has TAKEN YOU IN!

Its these extreme people who we stupidly let in that give the rest of the muslims a bad name!

Why have they been let in to our country!!!!!????


You do know that Islam is a choice, Anthony Mundine and Aboriginal Australian is Muslim, we did not have to import Muslims, they are every day Australians as well.
I really love Ignorance

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:25 AM
This whole situation is a cluster %&$% all around.

It hits all the buttons.

Mark against free speech.

Calls into question US foreign policy.

Makes Islam look ridiculous.

Creates an even more hostile US attitude toward the middle east.

Makes Christians look equally ridiculous.

And its all during an election year...

I fear what happens if these type of protest break out in US Muslim communities.

Is it me or is this all seem far to contrived to not be a set up...

Either that or its a perfect storm of stupidity.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:35 AM
We take these people from war torn countries and give them a second chance, and within a few years they start trying to change our views to views of their own.
Now in Sydney they are protesting over an American made film. WTF? To see children carrying banners to behead any that dont agree with their fundamentalist narrow world view makes me sick.
I say send them back, back to their own lands where they dont have to put up with our Western ways they seem so determined to tear down.
Those that want to assimilate and live as Aussies are welcome and those that want to change our ways can take a hike, we dont want and dont need their crap.
Julia take a stand, before one of these morons actually does behead an Australian citizen for holding an opposing view.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by kudegras

And living proof that people fail to read posts and just post a reply.
I mentioned already that being a Muslim is a choice and chances are that there are many Australian born Muslims at the rally, not just grateful immigrants that we allowed in

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:41 AM
Please stop judging a whole religion on the protesters.

I will tell you now, if every Muslim in the city were so evil and offended, then there would be more protesting in Sydney than what was there today...

Also, not all of them are extremists. Many protesters actually stood between the angry demonstrators and the Police in an attempt to calm the situation.

Judging those who did not attend the protest by linking them to the protesters is ignorant.


I believe that the protestors who were breaking the law should be arrested and prosecuted as such. But i still reiterate that not all of them are bad. Yes, their acts do not represent the foundations of what our country was built upon, but we can't risk splitting our society further...
edit on 15-9-2012 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by munkey66

You love ignorance. Well you must love yourself then. Who cares if there are Aussies who choose Islam. That is their right in a free society.
I have no problem with that.
I have a problem with Muslim people teaching their children, many born in this fine land to hate an opposing view. Which is what we are seeing.
Many choose not to assimilate, and hang on to their hatred of those who are not Muslim.
There is no place for such hatred in our society, if you can not tolerate other views then go back where you came from. Its simple.
And yes I can tolerate Muslim beliefs but not if it promotes violence.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by munkey66
reply to post by kudegras

And living proof that people fail to read posts and just post a reply.
I mentioned already that being a Muslim is a choice and chances are that there are many Australian born Muslims at the rally, not just grateful immigrants that we allowed in

So its a problem with the religion as a whole and not just a cultural thing based on the countries of origins of the immigrants?

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by munkey66

Yes I read the posts, Of course their are Muslims who are born here or have chosen Islam as their belief, but I bet they weren't carrying placards to behead people.
Big difference my friend.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by benrl

Its a problem with people who promote violence in a society while though not devoid of violence has less than a lot of other countries in the wetern world.
Buddy, if I saw white Christian worshippers protesting with placards to kill Muslims or Jews or Martians I'd say the same thing.
No place in our society, maybe a jail term for promoting this violence would serve them better, however I think their hatred of Westerners cuts a little too deep for that to do any good.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by daaskapital
Please stop judging a whole religion on the protesters.

I will tell you now, if every Muslim in the city were so evil and offended, then there would be more protesting in Sydney than what was there today...

Also, not all of them are extremists. Many protesters actually stood between the angry demonstrators and the Police in an attempt to calm the situation.

Judging them all is ignorant and disgraceful.

That is the usual path I try to take and I will try to bring myself back down after seeing todays actions. After all, I am better than those extremists.

It's still testing my patience though.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by munkey66

Whether Islam is a choice or not is not the issue. Its the extreme beliefs of the minority of these people which are currently affecting our streets. Im well aware that many popular Australians are muslim, but not all of these muslims would agree that giving a sign to your child which reads "Behead all that insult the profit" is right. Infact, freaking messed up no matter where you are.
you damn dirty ape. stop taking my words out of context. Im not hating on Muslims. Im hating on the extremists that have been let in here.
edit on 15-9-2012 by SageBeno because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by aaron2209

Police have used tear gas on Sydney protesters who swept through the CBD as world-wide demonstrations triggered by a US film portraying the prophet Muhammad as a womaniser and paedophile reached Australia.

Well are those things True? Is Muhammad a womanizer and a pedophile?

We know he has many wives. Some long term, some short term and many concubines.

Here's a detailed breakdown

Is Muhammad a pedophile?

We know he married a 6 year old girl named Aisha or Aishah, and had sex with her at the age of 9. Some try to say the girl was older and recalculate her age but this fellows reasoning looks sound and places her age at 9 years of age.

Aishah. His famous and infamous child bride. She was the daughter of his good friend and co-worker Abu Bakr (later the first caliph). The connection was established in 623 AD, when she was just 6 years old – and he 53 (or 54) – 47 (or 48) years older than her, though married life – sex – did not start until 3 years later, when she was 9. Many react against his marrying a child and having sex with a 9-year-old (the reason why many Muslims accept child marriage and sex from the girl is 9). But the really black spot is not that he had sex with a 9 year old girl. The really black spot is that he had a child as his favourite wife all through her childhood – she was just 15 when he died. (Some Muslims claim sex did not start until she was 17 – but by then Muhammad had been dead for 2 years if the times are correct).

I used this one site for both examples because of the details but this same discussion is all over the internet.

You can draw your own conclusions.

Now whats happening in Australia?

The Australian contingent of Muslims has put pressure on the government to make saying things about Muhammad that ' some" Muslims don't agree with a crime.

Much like the Muslim Brotherhood ( an extremist movement) demands the "West" criminalize assaults on Islam.

Without the “criminalization of assaults on the sanctities of all heavenly religions,” the Muslim Brotherhood warned on Thursday, insults to Islam “will continue to cause devout Muslims across the world to suspect and even loathe the West, especially the USA.”

In this example, an Australian woman was convected of the crime of saying Muhammad was a Paedophile

This means in Australia tensions are going to run a little higher on both sides over this movie controversy

Muslims don't want governments to apply their own existing laws to them, they want special laws made just for them that allow them to force their world view on people - simply because they are a religion. Luckily in America, we have freedom of speech. They hate this about us and seek to change our laws.

They cannot prove that Muhammad was not a womanizer or a peadophile any more than someone can prove Moses parted the Red Sea with his magic staff, but their own writings do seem to point in these directions. I say if the shoe fit's, wear it.

Moses wasn't perfect either. He killed a man in cold blood and was denied access into The Holy Land that he had worked so many years to lead his people to. You don't see Christians or Jews getting in an uproar every time someone calls Moses a Murderer. In fact, many of the Kings of Israel and Judea committed horrible crimes even though they were considered men of God. The Bible tells us God was angry with them for these actions and later they repented and turned back toward God. I wonder if Muhammad repented. I don't think the Quran tells us.
edit on 15-9-2012 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

Mohammed also called on Muslims to defend Christians many times, as well. Considering they both share a history together.

'There is a historical and traditional connection between Christianity and Islam. The two faiths share a common origin in the Middle East.[2] Muslims consider Christians as the People of the Book. From a Muslim standpoint, belief in the Injil (the original Gospel of Jesus) is an important part of Islamic theology, although Muslims view the current Gospels as corrupted. The bond extends even further with the Islamic Prophet Muhammad instructing Muslims to defend the Christian faith from aggressors in certain circumstances after treaties of peace have been signed, such as in the document called the Achtiname of Muhammad.'

Concerning that picture of a child holding up a sign, I doubt he can even read what it says considering his age and the fact it is in English. I don't know where that picture was taken and I know there are some Muslims who are outraged (well, actually I don't know that, because I have never met one who was offended so easily and I know and grew up with some) so it doesn't surprise me, but it certainly seems a little suspicious to me.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by munkey66
reply to post by kudegras

And living proof that people fail to read posts and just post a reply.
I mentioned already that being a Muslim is a choice and chances are that there are many Australian born Muslims at the rally, not just grateful immigrants that we allowed in

Again you prove yourself the ignorant ones trying to protect the Australian born muslims..
Who brings these people into the world? Their parents. Who should be soley blamed for a childs views concerning any religious group? Their parents. If you are a muslim born into Australia but are being taught and are following extremist views then that should be viewed as anti-Australian and a legitimate concern for our country's welfare!

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 03:10 AM
People will always be afraid of and/or hate that which they do not understand. And people are very quick to hate something but do not want to take the time and put forth the effort to understand it. At least then when you hate something you can accurately explain why and there will be no confusion or grey area.

...Hook, line, and sinker...

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:00 AM
look at the haters hate.
The Muslims are bad, look at what they do, look at how they raise their children!

Get a grip on reality people, it is not the origin of these people, but the religion that they follow that was insulted.

Whilst I do not agree with the actions of the group protesting, one thing I have learnt is that the media have a knack of showing a somewhat bias view of protests.
One sign saying behead and everyone loses it and start accusing an entire religion of violence.

took a couple of days for the protest to take place, wouldn't have been hard to have a few agent provocateurs make their way in and make the situation a little worse than it should have been.
problem, reaction, solution. and repeat.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:08 AM
I am sick to my stomach of people defending this sick religion.
Stop apologizing for them and get a grip.

Whenever Christianity or Judaism, Or the Sikhs are insulted.... Do you see worldwide protests with scumbags calling for beheadings? Or Signs proclaiming "(Insert religion here) will dominate the world"?

No! Islam is a backward religion and frankly has no place in any western society. Third world Immigration is and always will be a massive mistake.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by PatriotGames2
reply to post by ollncasino

Concerning that picture of a child holding up a sign, I doubt he can even read what it says considering his age and the fact it is in English. I don't know where that picture was taken and I know there are some Muslims who are outraged (well, actually I don't know that, because I have never met one who was offended so easily and I know and grew up with some) so it doesn't surprise me, but it certainly seems a little suspicious to me.

How about his numbskull caveman parents put it in his hands? He will grow up to be an idiot just like them.
edit on 15-9-2012 by LondonerBLV because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:28 AM
funny thing. they are as australian as it comes when its time to go to centrelink. then they are middle eastern when someone says something they dont agree with.

all i can say it this attitude IS NOT fully sick bro.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by LondonerBLV
I am sick to my stomach of people defending this sick religion.
Stop apologizing for them and get a grip.

Whenever Christianity or Judaism, Or the Sikhs are insulted.... Do you see worldwide protests with scumbags calling for beheadings? Or Signs proclaiming "(Insert religion here) will dominate the world"?

No! Islam is a backward religion and frankly has no place in any western society. Third world Immigration is and always will be a massive mistake.

^^ what he said.
Seriously. Why do we keep putting up with this s***?!?
A film was made that apparently showed their precious religious leader in a negative light. Oh boo hoo my heart simply bleeds for all of you.
Do you mean to say on this planet of 6 billion people, you dont expect someone somewhere to perform such an action...because if you do you are going to spend A LOT of your time protesting.

Religion of peace - don't believe it for one minute.
Boy with sign - great to see the future generation are being taught to be equally full of hate.

Islam apologists - the fact is, the people protesting are Islamic and there is nothing can be said that excuses the level of hate in their hearts, considering they opt to live for amongst western countries. Just leave. Simple as that. Return (or move) to a place that is more suited to the lifestyle you want to lead.
Why don't the "moderate" Muslims - protest in more numbers against these tiny pockets of extremists with signs showing how their religion really doesn't advocate such hateful behaviour. Would that be because they actually all feel the same way?
Surely the moderate "majority" would have had enough by now of how their entire religion is becoming increasingly despised by the actions of extreme groups and seek to distance themselves and Islam from such groups? Unless they don't, and once they are in a position to do so the 500 becomes 5000, then 50000.

I feel this will, in the near future, escalate when people in these western nations decide they have had enough of such moronic factions constantly calling for our death snd inposition of their archaic sharia law in our western cultures, and take it into their own hands to rectify what the authorities seem incapable of doing.

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