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UFOs and the Cardinal Signs

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posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:53 AM
Anyone who has deeply investigated the UFO phenomina will come to an interesting discovery:

UFO sightings peak during the months of January, April, July, and October, then drastically drop.

Now, anyone familiar with astrology, or at least, astronomy, knows, that these are the cardinal months. In otherwords, the sun occupies the cardinal signs of the zodiac during these months. January, the first three weeks, the sun is in Capricorn. In April, it is in Aries. In July, Cancer, and in October, Libra.

So the question is, why these four cardinal points of the year? is this a possibility for why the ancients viewed and assigned characteristics to the zodiac as they did?

Incidentally, for those not familiar with astrological principals, the cardinal signs, those signs which represnt the changes of seasons, are traditionally associated with leadership, strength, pioneering, breaking barriers.

For some examples of famous UFO incidents by month, off the top of my head....

Roswell: July 2-8, 1947
Hudson Valley sightings: March 24- mid april (sun enters aries on march 21, leaves in april 19) and then early July, 1984.
Rendelsham forest: December 27, 1980 (sun enters capricorn december 21, the winter solstice).
Tunguska: June 30, 1908 (sun enters Cancer on the 21st of June)
Mansfield Ohio Army Helicopter incident: October 18, 1973
Thomas Mantell case: January 9, 1948
Antonio Boas: October 16, 1957

These are only a few well known cases. And of course, UFOs are sighted in every month of the year. But they do peak in those months, and the most infamous cases in the UFO community happen during the cardinal points of the year.

So, why these times? Does the change of seasons draw Aliens closer to study the natural cycle here on earth, or what other possible reason for these times?

Any thoughts, guesses, or crazy conspiracy theories on this? I am a bit stumped myself!

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 12:51 PM
Hi Skadi... look what I found?

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
I'm rather curious indeed why you have dodged my question on the basis that you wish to know my tribal affiliation. I was going to post it in my first comment, but thought better of it. Guess I should have.

If you are so curious, my tribe is Makah. My mother was fullblood, my father 1/2. Generally, it's a matter of anonymity for me, in this rather dangerous place called the Net. Look at this message board, for example. How many Aryan Nation/National Alliance posters just on this thread? These are people who would like to finish the job their ancestors started on my people. Not the kind I want to give too much advantage to.

How the hell can you live a life like this?! Did you ever think about that...?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
Hi Skadi... look what I found?

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
I'm rather curious indeed why you have dodged my question on the basis that you wish to know my tribal affiliation. I was going to post it in my first comment, but thought better of it. Guess I should have.

If you are so curious, my tribe is Makah. My mother was fullblood, my father 1/2. Generally, it's a matter of anonymity for me, in this rather dangerous place called the Net. Look at this message board, for example. How many Aryan Nation/National Alliance posters just on this thread? These are people who would like to finish the job their ancestors started on my people. Not the kind I want to give too much advantage to.

How the hell can you live a life like this?! Did you ever think about that...?

And exactly what does this have to do with the topic presented?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 01:13 PM
Vertu, look what I found...

Originally posted by Vertu
Do you really want to see an informant? Well, here is one!!

The aliens told me, that there is a great war which is already started between the hostile species here on Earth, it is operating in the stratosphere. Their aim is to experiment on humans and human community individually, so some of these aliens must leave. The aim of the hostile aliens is to disturb the human community, and to harm its structure.

It is a very big trouble, the world soon will end...

How do YOU live like this?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 01:20 PM
In fact, the dates are coincident with major meteor showers:

Quadrantids December 28
to January 7

Lyrids April 16 to 25

Eta Aquarids April 21 to May 12

Aquarids July 14 to August 18

Alpha Capricornids July 15 to September 11

Perseids July 23 to August 22

Orionids October 15 to 29

Leonids November 14 to 20

Geminids December 6 to 19

I'm not suggesting that as the sole answer, but it may explain a number of them. There's really nothing unusual about human cultural practices or the ecology or geology of the earth that would bring a visitor in at those particular times.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 01:29 PM
Nice work, byrd. It's quite logical and I believe that MANY UFO-sightings are just meteorshowers or similar. This of course , does not explain the vast amount of "3rd degree" contact, "mechanic" movement and near-ground events, but if people knew what meteors etc looked like we'd have much less bogus-sightings, thus being able to spend more time and resources on examining "real" events. Maybe that would produce some answers too..

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 01:55 PM
Zap-zap...Double Zap! Ouch someones gonna need a band-aid!

[edit on 15-10-2004 by Der Kapitan]

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 07:19 PM

You lost me somewhere, dude............

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 01:35 AM
Allright, i have put friend vertu on ignore, since he seems to enjoy sending me nonsensical pointless U2Us, and i still have no clue what the hell he rambles on about.

Am I missing something here?

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
There's really nothing unusual about human cultural practices or the ecology or geology of the earth that would bring a visitor in at those particular times.

How do you know what the said visitors are looking at? They are supposedly aliens after all. The cultural practices of the human race has centered around the four seasons, although in recent times has drifted more into the wican/pagan belief system rather than the worship of the divine to bring good crops and mild winters. I�m not trying to bring religion as the main factor here and not factor one religion in particular but give an example that most know. Also, religion or not, I can�t name one person who hasn�t had the winter blues, cabin fever, spring fever, et al.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Seth76

Originally posted by Byrd
There's really nothing unusual about human cultural practices or the ecology or geology of the earth that would bring a visitor in at those particular times.

How do you know what the said visitors are looking at? They are supposedly aliens after all. The cultural practices of the human race has centered around the four seasons, although in recent times has drifted more into the wican/pagan belief system rather than the worship of the divine to bring good crops and mild winters. I�m not trying to bring religion as the main factor here and not factor one religion in particular but give an example that most know. Also, religion or not, I can�t name one person who hasn�t had the winter blues, cabin fever, spring fever, et al.


And meteors hardly account for the UFO incidents I have listed.

Plus meteors happen in every months, some getting very intense in non cardinal months. So, meteor showers is hardly a good explaination. Quite terrible, actually.

And to say theres nothing worth noting going on at those times on earth.....thats kinda silly. Those are the solstaces and equinoxes, VERY signifigant phenomina. The weather and atmosphere changes, length of day and night, ect.

My theory is that perhaps that these parts of the year of of intense interest to whoever is watching us, and they like to come closer to earth, perhaps to get a better look.

Could also have something to do maybe with possible locations of motherships?

I dont know. But I find the whole pattern curious to say the least.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 02:13 PM
Hey Skadi, The Hudson Valley sightings, is this Hudson Valley, NY? I live near there.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by Yasuhiko23
Hey Skadi, The Hudson Valley sightings, is this Hudson Valley, NY? I live near there.

You are correct. the Hudson valley sightings were a very interesting and long wave of sightings that lasted at its peak from 1983-1984. Thousands of witnesses saw it. Some hoaxers, inspired by the massive reports of a strange triangular craft that hovered, hummed, and did many wierd things, decided to play a trick and for a few nights, they flew in a formation with thier light airplanes. Interestingly enough, very few people reported thier little trick at all, as most people knew they were planes and saw nothing worthy of it.

if you want a better view of the whole incident, read Night Seige, by Imbrogo, Hynek, and pratt. ISBN 1-56718-362-x.

If you already know what im talking about, excuse the above info. i wasnt sure if you were old enough back then to remeber, or lived in that area when it happened.

But if you live there, ask around. Youd probably get some pretty interesting stories..............

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:05 AM
But, do you suppose the corolation between the UFOs/Cardinal signs is a question of navigation? Just as we have to time sending probes to Mars, etc., maybe the visitors have to time their trips for the most efficient route to Earth? I do not know much of Astrology, so I approached this from another front, albeit this is probably a weak idea.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Der Kapitan
But, do you suppose the corolation between the UFOs/Cardinal signs is a question of navigation? Just as we have to time sending probes to Mars, etc., maybe the visitors have to time their trips for the most efficient route to Earth? I do not know much of Astrology, so I approached this from another front, albeit this is probably a weak idea.

Actually, thats not a bad idea at all. thats a pretty good point. perhaps, from those areas in space, might be the more convient routes to travel to earth, for some reason. We dont know anything about space travel, so who knows?

Very interesting theory you came up with!

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:39 AM
Well then let's see if someone can shoot it down.

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