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The AP Solves the Mystery of the Man Behind "Innocence of Muslims"

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posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Orwells Ghost
reply to post by thePharaoh

So inciting hatred is not a crime in the USA?

My position is fairly clear (keep in mind I'm not American): The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land, it's tenets extending to all human beings, as it states inalienable human rights (i.e. natural and irrevocable). It may be the most important document in human history.

Just because the U.S. government's actions are not in line with the Constitution (a whole other topic), does not render the document or the rights it outlines moot. "Throwing terrorism charges" at someone as a means of circumventing ones right to free expression is not only wrong, but recalls some less than pleasant images of other totalitarian regimes.

How important are your freedoms to you? How much will you give up in the name of security? How often has appeasement lead to the desired result? If you sacrifice this filmmaker on the altar of appeasement, you are also sacrificing your freedom of expression. Given that extremist Muslims would love this (as well as extremists from many, many other groups), I would go as far as to say that it is in fact YOU who are supporting terrorism.
edit on 14-9-2012 by Orwells Ghost because: grammar and punctuation

I couldn't have written it better myself, and I share your sentiments. In America, since the birth of the Patriot Act spawned from 9/11, the government has systematically been clamping down on our rights and outright infringing upon some of them. This incident could lead to increased censorship on the internet, in our art, in the way we speak, what we speak out about. It is important to watch where this goes.

We need to come home in my opinion. Let the Elite bite the big one. Let them (Islamic people) have their land and leave. Give them their freedom to create their idea of a true Islamic State. Which apparently does not include anything American. I'm okay with that. Salute.

We need to graciously, and respectively, bow out.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by thePharaoh
iv just been to

they say
"probabtion office says they are looking into possible violations of prisoner release terms by california man limnked to anti islam film"

who knows what that means??
to solve this issue its pretty easy
lock the dude up for inciting hate.....=....mob goes home!
simple maths

The film maker was already on five year probation for a federal bank fraud charge in 2009.

So, the state of California is looking into whether or not he violated probation.

Part of his probation restrictions prohibited him from using a computer or using the internet without permission, so they'll probably use the video and his youtube account as an excuse to revoke his probation.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Orwells Ghost

erm your baffled!!

im trying to save the lives of our ambassoders....and you and that film maker, and views like yours are hypocritical and dangerous...

inciting hate is NOT free speech.....

all im saying is...hiding behind your computer and trying to cause a reaction is not kosher.


posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 12:39 PM
For your entertainment here is 50+ pages of free speech wholesomeness.

From quickmeme

Some of my Favorites

If he'd pissed on a cross he'd still be in bed.
The shirts are clearly tan not brown and it's only 11:55pm
First they came for Blasphemers and I did not speak out because I was not a blasphemer.

OK so the guy is a major D-bag, and I understand that he might have broken some terms of his probation, but anyone who says the arrest is not because of his project (I can't call it a movie) is traveling down a river in Egypt.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by thePharaoh
reply to post by Orwells Ghost

erm your baffled!!

im trying to save the lives of our ambassoders....and you and that film maker, and views like yours are hypocritical and dangerous...

inciting hate is NOT free speech.....

all im saying is...hiding behind your computer and trying to cause a reaction is not kosher.


Views like mine? Dangerous? Hypocritical? How so? Care to explain yourself? It sounds to me like you're more interested in giving an unruly mob their pound of flesh than saving the ambassadors. Laughable. If you want to protect U.S. Ambassadors, the U.S. Marines are a much better option; acceding to the demands of a bunch of murders is sheer lunacy. Am I inciting anger in you? That's too bad, arrest me. We disagree, and that is all there is to it.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 11:04 AM
This is a long thread and I have only gotten about four pages in so far, so pardon me if I'm repeating a point that has already been made...

But for those of you objecting to free speech being used to incite people to do anything, and want to see it curtailed when "incitement" is an obvious purpose of the speech, please keep in mind that the 1st Amendment was framed by founders who valued and used their freedom of speech to INCITE the populous to overthrow tyranny. By violent means, if necessary.

Cut to modern times and we have been conditioned by political correctness and police state tactics like NDAA to actually fear speech freely expressed, if it clashes with what we've been long conditioned to accept as limits and parameters to it. Those who run the show and benefit from the status quo have been conditioning us away from the very principles and mindset that founded and built the United States of America and made it a beacon of freedom once upon a time (yeah, I know, except for Native Americans and African slaves...every ideal has its flaws in the real world).

As a multiracial person with a varied religious background I am very offended by all kinds of speech that have been directed toward me over the years. But I defend even that which offends me as a constitutional right. It's good manners and civility and responsible exercise of my rights that temper my own speech toward others. But I accept no law that attempts to restrict my first amendment rights.

We have laws against assaulting and harassing people. We have a plethora of laws mitigating all sorts of unpleasant and undesirable behavior like libel and slander, to name but a few. They should suffice. I don't care if the some nutty group hands me pamphlets telling me to kill the gays or whatever. I am an adult with free will and an understanding that assault and murder are crimes. It is my personal responsibility to make a wise choice in my actions or pay the consequence. I don't need a nanny state thought policing the heck out of everyone so I won't get exposed to ideas encouraging me to do stupid hateful illegal things.

All this talk about hate laws and hate speech is just some crazy end run around the First Amendment.

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by alphaskunk

Originally posted by Orwells Ghost
It's free speech. One of the few great things still remaining in America. Does it offend you? Too bad, the ease with which you are offended offends me. It's certainly no reason to kill anyone. If you want to find the real villains in this story, do not look to the film makers, but to the savages murdering innocent people over a movie. Savages.

There is a difference between free speech and hatred speech. In Canada anyways, you can not walk the streets and scream # the 'n-word's kill all the jews and faggots! You will be facing criminal charges and i think it is well deserved.

Free speech does not give you the right to humiliate a nation, religion or ethnic group. If you don't understand that then you do not deserve the right to have free speech. Free speech was given to the people to fight back against such comments, not promote them.
edit on 13-9-2012 by alphaskunk because: (no reason given)

Your post has humiliated me and my people.

See how easy that was? I just ruined your right to post that by being stupid. I understand your logic but I disagree. Free speech and the possibility of it being hatred speech can and will go hand in hand. That's one of many parts of free speech. What you're saying is, "Well, you can say this but, not this, this or, that." and that is not free speech. People will always find ways to be offended, no matter what is said or done.

Speaking of being offended... you know what offends me? The fact that all you people are saying we should change our constitution because some ignorant assholes get all butt hurt over a film.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 01:26 PM
# throw him in the ..throw him in the bin....doodah the merry ahh, throw him in the bin#

it would save countless lives lololol

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by thePharaoh
# throw him in the ..throw him in the bin....doodah the merry ahh, throw him in the bin#

it would save countless lives lololol

That's what I thought.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Orwells Ghost

Originally posted by thePharaoh
# throw him in the ..throw him in the bin....doodah the merry ahh, throw him in the bin#

it would save countless lives lololol

That's what I thought.


i just dont understand your angle

you tell me what constitutes a video being banned....isnt it the sites discretion....doesnt this BS warrant it being banned..its obviouslly not made to entertain..its too crap....only possible use is to incite and degrade.

ahh well...just shows how out of touch some people are.....

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by thePharaoh

I have no angle. I made my position very clear several posts ago. If you wish to call me a hypocrite and my ideas dangerous, fine, that is YOUR RIGHT to do so, but I would appreciate it if you would explain your reasoning other than expressing your bafflement at my stance. How about contributing to the discussion.

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