posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 04:42 AM
Hey there,
I'm also a new member on ats, really new, like just joined. Anywho that doesn't matter, I normally just read posts as people ask questions I was
going to.
Also I do not believe in your skills at all, but I'm willing to play along.
My questions are: Will Julia Gillard (aus pm) face charges in the next few years for fraud?
Will the liberals win the next election? (aus)
Will the Australian carbon tax get removed?
Will the magma dome near Greece (forgotten the name of it, it's santo something.) continue to increase rapidly and blow in the next 30yrs?
Is there going to be a major global conflict in the next 5 yrs? If so where and who between?
Will Julian Assange be safely moved to Ecuador?
Just to verify I'm not trolling, just using some questions that I can follow, and if your predictions fail, I will be back, and I will troll you into
oblivion. Only fair right?
On a side note to others posting here, how can one give facts on predictions? I'm sure the answer to that will be a nice informative read.