Hi folks,
I've wanted to open an own thread about this, but I actually think this thread suits my intentions prety well.
I wasn't sure if I should put it into faith or health or well being at first.
I was living under the constant stress of very low self-esteem. I was never working at '100%' as we like to say.
Have got a bit of a drug carreer which resulted from self-medication. Mainly opioids and psychedelics, but I always avoided dissociatives like
I don't smoke (only did smoke some weed from time to time) and now, over a decade of drug use, I've finally found the path to ketamine.
Every few months I buy myself a few grams (!) of ketamine and do a few days of binging on it.
It shatters my world view and it takes some time to re-adjust to 'reality', or rather until I feel I'm not hovering above the earth or outside my body
like in an OOBE.
Ketamine has in the meanwhile been used as (legal), often off-label, treatment in various countries. In Germany, there's for example Ketamin.de
They do infusions with low-dose ketamine.
After doing ketamine, my body is highly sensitivized and like under electric power. Light hurts the eyes. That's the point when I stop and try to have
a good and long nap and pop some diazepam or methadone to calmd own.
After that, I am usually for 3 months HAPPY, VIGILANT and most of all, ACTIVE! I'm usually a very lazy son of a bitch and I wasn't able to clean my
flat in the last few years. Now I clean my flat, I do tidy up regularly, I can life a normal life.
Also, my world view and fear of death has been reduced.
A lot of people calm me intelligent because I know a lot about topics like Koiné Greek, Latin, Dutch, English and graphics design among other things
like programming on various platforms and playing multiple instruments.
I was always interested in this stuff, but now I'm getting more and more productive, I can finally live the life I always wanted to live.
I really don't condone drugs unless you need them. And heavy ketamine use can lead to incontinence, it can cause cysts in your urinary tract and
bladder. So don't do it, if something else works for you.
I also do meditation when I do drugs.
Leading the life that I do has given me my long awaited weight loss (healthy eating, fruits and wholemeal bread). I feel often at one with my
environment and I try to be helpful to other people.
Now, I'm starting to go into what might be the actual world view / faith part:
Ketamine opens doors , it connects your consciousness to the universe. This is what I actually believe. It's one of the weirdest drugs and it's not
really for escaping reality because it is very exhaustive, as is the endogenous drug '___' (Dimethyltryptamine). Even though some try to do that.
I recommend to anybody even just thinking about ketamine therapy the book Journeys into the bright world:
It is the best book I've found so far on the topic of getting to know consciousness and yourself and attaining your goals by the usage of ketamine.
My life is like day and night now. But still, it's no CURE, you can take it a few times after another and expect to be without any big depression for
a while (weeks, months), but people don't have to take the bull# pharmaceuticals big pharma wants us to take. Those antidepressants suck, have a heavy
amount of bad side effects and are prone to sucicidal thoughts.
And as always, if you even take into account the slightest chance over taking Ketamine, DO inform yourself. Extensively!
Information and wisdom is power
Best of luck and regards,
Pix / Michael
edit on 21-4-2016 by Pixman because: forgot some stuff