posted on Sep, 12 2012 @ 06:08 PM
I really don't think they should have cameras in the changing rooms, or junior schools. That's extreme and not needed IMO.
As for high schools I can understand that. It was the one unmonitored place in my school so thats where a lot of trouble went on. Kids were constantly
vandalizing the place too and some.....animals were even smearing feces across the wall. Gets to the point where you NEED a deterrent. I mean they
have cubicles anyway, and if the camera is say...facing the room but the urinal is just out of view that's not so bad. I'd hate to have someone
watching me pee though.
Don't get me wrong this is very creepy and not something I would ever like to endorse but some kids in high school really ruin it for everyone else.
Sex, drugs, vandalism....everything went on in those toilets.