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Scape Ore Swamp

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posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 06:28 PM
Scape Ore Swamp in South Carolina is a swamp in Bishopsville.

There were many reported sightings there in that small town, of a creature called the "Lizard Man". They closed the case 20 years ago, but they say that people still see him.


Stuck In Park
A man was driving his car down the road, and surrounding it were fields that were next to the woods. There, his car broke down. He was just finishing changing his tires when he looked up and saw a tall, human-like lizard standing across the field. It started charging at him, but the man got into his car and ran like a bat outta (doughnutland).

Taking A Walk
A man was walking around in the woods, doing something or other, I'm not sure what, when he looked up and saw a human like creature, lizard like and very tall, standing just a little ways away from him. He said that they were standing there, still, for a minute straight before it bolted away from the man. The man said that it looked more afraid of him, than he was the lizard creature.

Monsters Like Cars Too
A family woke up to a loud noise one morning. They didn't know what it was exactly. They went outside into the garage to find that there were giant claw marks on the car, from front to back. and the bumper on the back was ripped right off. People assume it was the lizard man.

The police in Bishopville advise people to steer clear of Scape Ore Swamp, because there have been many reported sightings, and mysterious injuries around the swamp. They state that you should only drive through there ONLY IF YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO.

Kinda makes me NOT want to go there.

[edit on 10-14-04 by Yasuhiko23]

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 08:22 PM
I've never heard of the "lizard man" before... but it sounds scary and interesting. Thanks for sharing!

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 08:27 PM
wow i never want to go ther lol good find

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 08:46 PM
What does it look like? Is it a human-sized lizard, or a man who has lizard like characteristics? And does he have a tail?

What kind of injuries have occurred?

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 11:24 PM
Lizard like creatues... go do a search in the ufo section... things get weird.

[edit on 19-10-2004 by Xabora]

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 02:10 AM
I saw the show that I think you are refering to. Was it Proof Positive on SciFi? I saw in Tuesday morning. The interviews, and footprint that were broadcast lead me to believe it is just a giant hoax. They had some very good 'encounters', but the footprint that the sheriff had was a joke. The Cryptozoologyst they had the examined the print called the sheriff out. He told him

'the person that made this print and/or took the cast had absolutly no knowledge of animal features/behavior.'

the quote isnt word for word, but you get the point. Again I think its a hoax. As for the people who had their car attacked? Those pictures that they showed didnt even show any claw marks. I would think that if there were claw marks they would have at least gotten close up shots of the paint, rather than shots from 5-8 feet away and getting the entire car in the view.


[edit on 10/20/2004 by frey51]

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