posted on Sep, 10 2012 @ 11:48 PM
Personally, I don't have a mind that takes to learning programming easily, so it was a chore for me. But I learned C++ at the same time that I learned
Python, which probably made it much harder. I still am not that proficient at either of them. I can program in about 4 languages, Ruby and Perl being
the other two, but as I said, I can't make programs that are too sophisticated. Oh, that doesn't include html and _javascript though, which were easy
for me.
Anyway, to your question. This program seems like it would be pretty easy, but I know what trying to grasp a concept can be like, so I recommend
something, I'm looking...Try this:
Python Tutorial
That will take you past the "install python" section, and straight to the opening programming lesson. The index on the left will allow you to jump
ahead if you already know about variables and whatnot. What I recommend doing, which can be hard if you don't understand the concept of what you are
doing, is just getting a cheat sheet for the language, and working off of it.
It just shows how to use the different features, as well as the correct syntax. You still have to know how the program should work and everything
though. If that doesn't help, I will try to find something else, or maybe we could just help you out with the problem directly.
If you do want direct help, can you explain what you have to write a little bit better? I'm not grasping exactly what the program is supposed to do.
Is it supposed to get user input? Are we just averaging all the numbers 0-7? I'm lost, lol.
edit on 9/10/12 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason
edit on 9/10/12 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)