This is just a little thing, nothing major. But I just wanted to know if anyone else had noticed/experienced the same thing.
So you search for whatever your looking for at the main page, then your results and the 'sponsored results' pop up.
What ive noticed is that the sponsored results will pop up a second or 2 after the main results, what happens is when they pop up, the results page
below are pushed down. So if you were about to click on one of the top 2 results, these sponsored results ALWAYS seem to pop up just at the right time
for you to accidently click on them instead of what you wanted to click.
Now the 'conspiracy' here is I have no doubt that someone will be getting paid everytime one of these sponsored links is clicked.
Yes the amount generated through click-thrus is small, like $0.01 per click, or maybe even smaller. But imagine this, 3 billion searches per day go
through google, say 20% of these searchers click the sponsored result link by accident, thats still 600,000,000 clicks every day!
At a click thru rate of $0.01 per click, thats $600,000 per day!
Ok its not much of a conspiracy, but its bloody well clever
Edit: Sorry I should mention this generally happens only when you look for a product or something, doesnt happen on all searches, but yea go ahead and
try it. Type in something like where to buy samsung phone, put your pointer as if to click the top link and let the sponsored links load
edit on 9-9-2012 by Idonthaveabeard because: (no reason given)