posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:22 PM
I'm new to this particular forum, although I have posted in many other forum's before. I find this forum the most interesting for my particular
subject matter of conspiracies and "alternative stories" where you can talk to like-minded people.
Anyway, back to my point. Don't flame me on this, as I'm not particularly clued up on military plane's in the U.K, who truly knows what's flying
over our skies anyway? In the early hours of the morning last weekend in Cumbria at 00:55am, I saw a military plane that was flying between 1-3000
feet heading towards Scotland over the Solway Firth, it had its military light's flashing and the usual drone of the engines, but I also saw the
plane was illuminating its flight path with a searchlight. This is what I found odd, why would a military plane be using a searchlight at night in the
early hours of the morning?
Again, like I said, this is probably innocent and I'm not suggesting anything, I just found it odd. Can anyone tell me which plane this most likely
would have been, and the reason that it had its searchlight on, I personally didn't know post-war military planes used searchlights in friendly
airspace, blond moment?
P.S: I also wish to note that I heard a low humming noise that was emanating from the sky this past week too in the early hours of the morning. It was
while lying wide awake in bed as I couldn't sleep due to tooth ache so I know I didn't imagine it